Then It Was Gone

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Authors Note: Sorry for the wait on this update. No inspiration! I thought this chapter would be longer but I suppose this is going to be a short one. Let me know what you think so far. I love hearing your input. Seriously though, any suggestions for a new chapter?


     My screaming continued for about a minute before I realized that nothing was happening. I opened my eyes to see that there was no longer anyone, or anything, in front of me. Laika was freaking out, she wouldn't stop barking. I looked around to see if anything was still in the room. There was nothing.

     I'm so confused... What just happened? My heart is racing, and my thoughts are flying around in my head, slamming against my skull. I lean back against the wall and it's only moments before I sink to the floor. My hands are suddenly gripping the sides of my head, my nails digging into my skin. My eyes fill with tears, and I squeeze them shut, causing the tears to drip down my face and onto the floor. My head begins to hurt, and as I remove my hands I notice blood at the tips of my fingers. Most likely from my head after how hard I was holding it. The sight of it only makes me cry harder.

     After what feels like hours, I get up. I walk over to the bathroom extremely slowly. Probably the slowest I've ever walked. I can't tell if it's out of fear or exhaustion. My legs are shaking, and I feel like I'm about to collapse. I peer down at the dark tile beneath my feet, and watch as a tear drips down my cheek, off my jaw, and onto the floor.

     The water from the faucet is cold as it runs over my hands. It becomes a tinted red as it drips off the tips of my fingers and pools by the drain. As I turn the water off, I look up, and I find myself staring into the mirror, my reflection is staring back at me. I'm a weird looking thing, my eyes are red and swollen from crying so hard and there are black streams down the sides of my face. Got to love makeup. I sigh.

     I finally decide to get my shit together and I grab a frying pan from the kitchen. Laika is soon by my side as I start to search the house. Room after room, corner to corner, ceiling to floor and vice versa. I find nothing. This is all so frustrating! I don't understand why this weird shit keeps happening...

     After a while of searching, I decide to try and sleep. I head to my bedroom and Laika follows. I lock the door behind me as I enter. I climb into bed and rest the frying pan on the side table. My blankets are warm and as I pull them up over me, I can't help but feel safe. Protected even? I curl up into a ball with my covers over my face, and slowly drift off into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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