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One adult counselor, four boy counselors, five girl counselors, and one yappy little dog. I sat atop a tree branch near the entrance of the camp. "Let the show begin." I whispered. All the teens were excited to explore, all but one. She looked frightened. She must have known about what happened here. This was going to be more fun than I thought. The adult counselor walked between the anxious teenagers. "Alright, alright! I know you are all excited about being here, but there are still some rules." They all groaned. "Yes, yes I know you don't like rules, but they keep you safe. So no wandering past the camp grounds, stay with a partner at all times, and be careful of your surroundings. If you have any questions my name is Mr. Anderson. Now listen for your name and which cabin you'll be taking! Alright, Kelley Hanlen and Britney Walson!"He called out. Two girls stepped out from the crowd to face Mr. Anderson. They both seemed to be very girly. "Girls you'll be taking cabin two near the cafatorium." They excitedly skipped off to the cabin. "Let's see, David Letterman and Ryan Jaxlin!" A jock and a nerd looking boys stepped up. The jock looked disappointed with his roomy. "Boys you got, cabin five it's the closest one to the lake." The jock raced to the cabin, while the nerd just walked. "Um... Carter Allen and Harry Jones!" Both boys were very much jocks, one more of a ladies man really, flirting with one of the other girls. Boyfriend and girlfriend most likely. Yuck. They got cabin four. The last three girls got cabin three, Jason's and my cabin. The adult counselor took cabin one.

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