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Surprisingly, I am alive.

Despite my disappearance (not that any of you guys really noticed lmao) I'm back, and ready to (hopefully) write more! Not much has gone on in my life, honestly. Just school, and friends, I guess.

I'm really glad I met.... a certain person... I hope they're glad they met me too. Happiness can be.  hard to hold on to, but with her, I feel like I finally can. We have our deep conversations, our silly ones, happy ones and overall weird ones and it's great. She's the bestest friend I could ever ask for.

I've definitely let go a lot of people, well, online-friends. Shit happened,  but I won't get into much detail because it really isn't much. But people come and go.

I am dreading tomorrow, a project is due and I've got 2% complete of it. Responsible, eh?

I have, like, 8 billion drafts by the way, if uncompleted stories or things I turned back from because I thought they were stupid.

Haha, perhaps I'll publish them even though they aren't finished? Who knows?


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