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I don't know if anyone still cares.  

But if you do happen to read this then hi. My name's Jordyn and I was born on March 22, 2003. I am currently 15, I work part-time at McDonald's. I don't have a favourite colour because each one reminds me of something lovely. It is thanksgiving this weekend, I am currently listening to Twister Sister, taking a short break from Big Mouth, Season 2. I'm on episode 10. I have finished it, and I don't know what else to watch. Oh yeah, I wanted to start watching Maniac. It has Jonah Hill in it but it looks pretty good, it's about a guy who's diagnosed with schizophrenia, he loses his job and then starts a drug experiment or something. I also am currently in 10th grade, and I don't hand anything in on time. I have that flaw. I'm terrible with due dates. I haven't had the urge to write or make a poem or anything lately, or really read but I have to read this book for history called All Quiet On The Western Front which I probably won't read despite the fact that I have to do the test on Wednesday. I had the option to switch classes to an easier history but I have a crush on this guy and there's one girl that sits between us so I don't really want to. Him and I are kind of friends, although not really. It's mostly just that we talk because we have mutual friends. I wonder if he knows I like him, or what he really thinks about me. I said something weird to him once so I don't know how he took that, I don't think he likes me, but he I do know he has a crush on someone (which isn't me because in a Q&A thing he did on his instagram he said he talked to her about it) he has also dated other girls that are very very very very different than myself so I don't know. Maybe in time. I hope so. I think it would be nice to have someone crush on me in real life for once lol.  Sorry about the lack of spacing, and having this one huge paragraph. I just didn't really feel like spacing it out. Anyway, I don't really go on wattpad anymore so I can understand why no one will read this but if you do need to keep in touch with me I have instagram, kik, and snapchat.

IG: germ____ or smallbuttdeer

SC: xiichan

Kik: xiichan

I used to have discord, but I got rid of it. Sorry Katy if you're reading this.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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