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first and foremost, I'd like to shout out MaybePatrick for spamming me with votes. You're the reason why I'm remembering to update this.

I know, I know. I haven't updated this since June 13th or something. But listen, I've been busy.

My life's been pretty boring, especially when you look at a long length of time. The most important thing Id like to mention, is that I'm still alive!

Since June... hmm, not much has happened. I started school, highschool to be exact. I met a few people but no one that I hang out with. My current best friend is drifting apart from me and right now, I'm a free-spirit, being ditched by the two people I call friends.

But that? Oh. It's nothing. Grade 9, it'll pass.

I have exams coming up, and I've been stressed, and sleep deprived regardless of all the sleep I  get. So, not really deprived. Just the sleepy, groggy feeling of it.

I'm thinking of changing my profile picture to me, what do you think?

Also, I will leave my social media in my bio because I'm terrible at replying on here.

I've lost a lot of friends and I've gained many too. I want to go back to who I was.

Poetry lover, active on Wattpad, and lots, I mean lots of online friends.
Just lately... I haven't had the patience.

But don't worry guys! My mental health is amazing! I feel great and now that summer is nearing, it's getting even better.

2017 ended okay, 2018 didn't start out good. I lost someone who meant a lot to me, despite having only knowing them for 4 months, it still sucked ass to lose someone I actually looked a lot up to.

Rest In Peace, Elizabeth Ferkranus.

Anyway, this was my "summary" of it all, 2017's summer, fall, and winter, the leap into 2018, and my life school so far .

I promise to keep updating this, frequently.

Unless, you guys don't care & don't want me to. haha.

Let me know! (:



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