
18 2 6

edit: sorry the beginning's a bit weird lol

i consider myself a writer, someone who's creative and enjoys writing. but... I don't write unless I'm inspired.

lately, nothing's inspired me. 

and by lately, i mean for a while. i want to improve my writing, i want to get better I just.... haven't. I haven't thought of a story idea that I could see myself finishing. something that i take interest in, myself. i know what i want. i want more online friends. i want to get back in the game, i want to talk to people more, be in fandoms, have people i talk about what i want to do with them when i meet them, i want to meet people. i want to get out more. experience things. i dont want to drink, smoke, or have sex. im 14. i dont want to grow up, and do grown up things. i just want to... adventure. get inspired. 

i know i dont have many followers, not many people read the work that i put out which is totally okay. i dont plan on being an author in the future. i just like to write because its nice to make up an entire world based on the feelings i'm feeling right now. sounds crazy. and it probably doesn't make sense.

i look back on a lot of my other work. that cannibal story, the stupid airport one, the rambles one, the poetry one. I dont even know what i wrote. i feel like i should delete and start over but then again, i want to get active again. start writing. be involved in wattpad. meet people. so i can have something i can compare to when im, i dont know, 18, and i find this old wattpad again, or if im still creating stories, i can look back on those and see how far i've came and how i've developed as a person and a writer. that's pretty cool.

anyway. back to my personal life.

i just finished exams and have a week off. im seeing one of my bestest friends ever, lubby. i love her sm. because of her i've met some of the most amazing people in my entire life, i've been a better person since i met her and my outlook on lifes gotten a lot more positive. i'm not saying she's entirely responsible for that, because she isn't, but if it weren't for her I wouldn't have met lylia, valeria, and justin. three people i'd do anything for. i also got to meet steph and the gang. <3 

i also spent $15 today on food, the bus, and sunglasses. i just wanted to say, though, that my irl's right now are probably the worst i've had yet. no offence to them. they're good people & all. just... maybe not for me. i hope to find new ones soon.

why are they not good friends for me? WELL im glad you asked. just today, i made plans with them (two of them) to go to the mall today a wEEK AGO. One friend even double checked yesterday morning and we all said YEP we're GREEEEEEEEAT. but guess what. last second. both cancelled. OH AND WHY? idk about one but tbh i didnt really care because i dont care for her much but as of the other one? FUKIN DITCHES ME FOR HER BOYFRIEND. what a friend. i hate highschool lmao. this shit never happened in elementary. anyway. i cant wait to grow old. i miss lyls, and lubs. if you guys read this, know that i love you so much.

p.s. sorry for all the spelling mistakes, and the grammar mistakes. y'all probably hate me for that. whoops.

--Jordyn <3

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