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I just noticed that I haven't been quite active. I'm here, trust me. And, it's about time I updated this damn thing.

I got into the art school-It was easy, anyway. But that's not what matters, I got in and so did most of my friends so I'll be attending nineth grade with familiar faces. More than just familiar, actually.

I also got a new phone, so I'll most definitely and hopefully be active.

Some shit's happened, but I don't really feel like going into detail. It isn't important, anyway.

I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow, a dark brown with violet streaks. I'm honestly thrilled. I'm also attending an arts camp on Saturday for one week, (Well saturday to the saturday after that.) I attended it last year where I got to do creative writing, sketch comedy, and musical theatre.

This year I'm in for slam poetry, creative writing and sketch comedy. Three things I'm really passionate about so I'm just counting down the days.

My mental health's been rocky but I always end up okay. With the frequent up's and downs, I really can't say if I feel depressed again or not. I'm hoping not.

Everything in my life's been going okay, I suppose. I'm behind in nearly every class but that's the regular.

I also finished Riverdale, and if you haven't seen it yet, go. Right now. Some of the acting isn't the best at times but the whole show, I'd give it 5 stars but then again, we don't all like the same stuff.

Another thing, Cole Sprouse is so adorable although kind of an asshole.

Oh well, no one's perfect.



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