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My story about drowning (Which I have not yet published) isn't going to be judged for a short story contest BECAUSE I'm kind of thinking that I'll make this an actual book (like, not a short story lmao) & the contest isn't allowed swearing but I really feel like swearing in the book would be appropriate ))::

SO, now that I got that out of the way,

How are you?

I'm good, thanks for asking. (?)

Oh yes, I just went back to school shopping for supplies (ewww) and I love new things but now it just reminds me that I have to devote 6 hours, 5/7 days, for 10 months. Doing something I hate. So, Yay.

Also, my mother just said
"It's September 1st, new days, new month, better not waste it and you have to better yourself."
but like, it's just September and it's school and I'm prolly gonna be miserable ngl. lmao okay.
I'mma end this now bc I have to shop more.

Love yah.

Jordyn ××

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