June 13, 2014, 8:00 a.m., Ankh Residence

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One noise signified the end of everything I knew.
I felt the House shake beneath my feet.
I heard sounds that can only be described as a sort of avalanche.
I finally felt the ground keeping me upright begin to crack and part from itself.The next second the ceiling began to cave in on itself leaving me with nowhere to turn. I ran to the nearest support to keep both of us safe. I held Jaclyn in my arms and hoped for the best.
The pressure finally gave and the ceiling fell right on top of us. The pain I felt in that moment was unlike any other. If you thought kidney disease was a terrible way to die this was certainly one of the more painful was to end. Every bone in my body was rearranged so that shin and muscle tore to let them escape. I felt Jaclyn become less and less stiff in my arms until I finally knew she was out cold. Whether or not she was dead was unknown, but I began to lose focus as I drifted away trying to get rid of the pain.

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