July 27, 2014, 2:00 p.m., Bonaventure Cemetery

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Here we are at my celebration of life. It's incredible seeing the mass amount of people here. I never knew I was loved by so many people. Every living slayer was here of their own free will. Even Wren and Poppy, the two girls who despised Ali and I for hanging out with Cole's gang, were here. Frosty was here of course but he kept his distance from everyone else.
I never got the chance to tell him that I wasn't the girl. I had a whole darn speech planned to convince him. As much as I always hated to admit it I was never going to be Frosty's happily ever after. He never wanted to admit it out loud , but he knew that I would leave him someday. That was a stage he often skipped through conversations, acceptance.
When I first met Ali I had a feeling that I had just found my long lost sister. We were more stubborn together, therefore we were practically inseparable. I didn't have as long as I would've liked, but I can tell you we definitely made the best use we could've in the time we had. I have no doubt us meeting in that hospital was a pure act of fate.
Some would argue us meeting was a disaster waiting to happen and that may be true. Without Ali I wouldn't have found the truth about zombies. I wouldn't have forgiven Frosty for "cheating" on me. I wouldn't have been a Reeve's house making breakfast for Frosty with Jaclyn. Wouldn't have been caught up in all the danger of an unseen world.I also would have been very unhappy. I would've been left to die alone on a hospital waiting to time to run out.
Instead I had friends to help me through all the tough times. I got to be the happiest girl in the world as I passed away, not the loneliest. Who knows how much longer my life could've lasted on its own. I know I would have rather traded ten more years to live yet to spent the past three years with Frosty and all of my friends.
I'm worried that Frosty won't ever get over my death. He'll forever be lonely and not kind another girl. I do know that my afterlife will be the best in the existence of afterlifes.

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