Chapter 13- Pose

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"Just pose Shae!" I throw my hands up in the air

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"Just pose Shae!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"I don't know what to do!" I exclaim and he rolls his eyes.

"Giggle?" He suggests and I scoff.

"I'm not that girly! Actually I'm not girly at all" I snap, he puts his hands up in the air in defence.

"Sorry Shae" Tyler smirks, I sigh and laugh.

"Give me a wave" I wave while 'giggling' gosh this is embarrassing.

"Great we're done, your turn!" He shakes his head holding the camera far away from me.

"Nope keep going, I've only taken like three pictures of you- one was a video!" I roll my eyes.

"Awe tough luck!"

He holds it up in the air so I can't reach, he pouts mockingly "poor baby, you can't reach" I slap his chest then sigh.

"Fine" I grumble angrily, still very reluctant to this whole idea.

I shouldn't of suggested it!

He takes a couple more shots of me until I decide that there are plenty of photos and his complaint was there are only 15, lame!

I hold the camera and he tucks his hands in his jean pockets looking down, I take a few pictures nodding to myself.

"I feel like the real deal!" I exclaim, he laughs.

Tyler could actually be a really, really good model. I do a head shot, his jaw is just so perfectly structured! His scar above his eyebrow makes him seem more... Tough?

I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for, he bites his lip and I short snapping a picture of it.

"You're so mean to me," he pouts and I smile handing him the camera.

"So your place?" I ask.

"No!" He says all too quickly, I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay? But we can't go to mine without Sam bothering us, plus my younger brother might turn up," I roll my eyes and he sighs.


"Great!" I clap my hands together.
"Woah your house is really old fashioned" I say, most things are furniture.

"Yeah... It's passed down in the family, " I nod.

"Let's get to collage making!" We create our separate collages and I end up laughing at how ridiculous Tyler looks.

"Why so serious?" I pinch his cheeks and he glares slapping my hands away lightly.

"You told me to be!" He exclaims and I shrug with a small smile.

"Did I now?" He nods.

My phone starts ringing and I quickly answer it noticing its Sam and she's gonna start questioning, who says u have to tell the truth right?

"SHAE THERE IS GUYS ON OUR FRONT LORN!" She immediately says when I answer.

"Wait what?"

"Please get here as soon as you can," she pleads.

"I'll be there right away," I quickly say and hang up, I pick up my things shoving them in my bag and stand.

"What's happened?" He worriedly asks.

"Some guys are at my house surrounding it," I say panicked.

"I'll come with you," I nod and we run to the car, I get in the drivers seat and he gets in the passenger seat.

As soon as he closes the door I back out and speed down the road to my apartment, I swerve in noticing the limos and guys in black and white suits in front of the apartment banging on the door.

I stop the car and unbuckle my seat belt, I run out "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I roar, everyone freezes and turns to me.

All these masculine men look at me and I gulp, Tyler stands next to me and growls angrily.

"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He roars, everyone cowers back and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You know these people?" He nods silently.

They all bow and I look at him confused, is he a King? I don't think so...

"We thought you would be with your mate master," master? What the hell is going on?


He doesn't look or even listen to me! Why is he acting so different?

"Tyler!" He looks at me and glares so hard, his cold blue eyes make me even more scared.

I look at him wide eyed and start to stomp to my house, his hand grabs my wrist and spins me around.

I slam into his chest and I rub my nose "ouch," I mutter.

He tilts my chin up and looks into my eyes "they did not call me master or call you my mate, it is strictly business."

"They did not call you master or call me your mate. It is strictly business," I mutter in a trance.

I look around at all the businessmen and glare back at Tyler "don't you ever glare at me, I did nothing wrong," I spit and stomp to my door, I open it and slam it shut.

I hear banging at the door and Sam looks at me worried "OPEN THIS FREAKING DOOR SHAE!"

"IM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS IF YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY AGAIN!" I shout and swing open the door.

I poke a finger at his chest angrily and pound my fists at his chest "you. Have. No. Right," I say through clenched teeth.

"Look I'm sorry," he whispers but I shake my head.

"Your true colours came out Tyler" I angrily hiss.

"Maybe. But you don't understand, I didn't mean to glare at you," I roll my eyes. Pathetic.

"Stay out of my life," with that I slam the door in his face.

Wooooowwwwww SHAE!

Sorry I hadn't updated sooner, I had to do a lot of assignments unfortunately; so glad school is over in like a week and two days!

I'm meant to be doing exercise so I can go back to rep season fine but I'd rather eat...

So why do you think Tyler did that?

Follow Instagram account; reading_writting_

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