In the Dark and Alone (Ch. 7)

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"So what do you think?" A middle-aged man with broad shoulders and a deep voice that demanded authority questioned. However, now the man was standing, pacing around his office, his eyes looking from the ground to the woman that was now seated in a chair infront of his desk. She sat quietly, her fingertips pressed against each other in a bridge formation. He hoped she was pondering his question in her silence. She was an older woman, thin and frail. Quite the opposite of the man, but still she had his forced respect.

"I think," She started. Although the man showed no facial expression she could feel his eagerness. "she is the one. I can feel it when they are close. They share a bond," She took a quick second to look at the man. "a special bond. Exactly the kind that you're looking for." When she finished, the man expected her leave, but she didn't, his authority spoke for him.

"If you're done you can leave. If not, then spit it out." He stated.

"You tread in dark waters. She is bold and cunning. And she will attack when you least expect it." She warned, her eyes held a look that demanded to be taken seriously, they same way the man's shoulders demanded authority.

"With all due respect, I am more cunning and bold than Donnermay could ever dream of being. That's why I've been given this assignment." He smirked.


The darkness was set around me so I couldn't see a thing. The only thing I knew was that I was on a bed. I turned to my right and my face was greeted by a warm chest. I tried to yell, but it came out as mumble. The chest moved and my face fell onto the bed as the person looked down at me with hazel eyes. His eyes practically glowed in the dark. I looked down to avoid his gaze and saw his arm on my waist. I stared for a moment and then looked back at him. His face matched the shade of red that his hair was. I realized how shy and adorable he looked when he blushed.

"Uh sorry." He blushed as he moved his arm away awkwardly. Oh, geez. Of all the places to wake up in.

"Hmm." I said as I sat up.

"You, uh, fell asleep. It's about 9:30, I think." He stuttered, his embarrassment getting the best of him.

"9:30 huh? I think I better head home, Gray." I said getting to my feet.

"Are you sure? It's practically a blizzard out there." I looked out of the window, and he was right. The snow completely covered the ground. Cars were simply lumps in the snow and buildings were small hills. The snow continued to fall, but instead of thin flakes, they were now ice bullets. The street lights cast an eerie orange glow in the night sky. Slivers of the light were thrown on the ground like polka dots.

"Y'know what, Graham? I think I'll just stay here." I said, still looking out at the icy waste land. I turned back to him. "I'm gonna take a look around here. Find a flashlight and see if I can find out when it'll stop snowing. You wanna come along?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'm not allowed to walk around at night." He said looking down. I decided that was a sign not to ask any further questions, and sighed.

"Okay Gray, suit yourself." I said turning away. I still couldn't help but notice him thinking about my still open offer and biting his lip. And I had to admit...

No, bad Icelynn. Baaaaaaad.

But he's so cuuuuute.

No. Bad. When did you turn into a teenage girl?

But he's biting his lip and being shy. It's so adorable.

He's your patient, remember?

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