Imaginary Friends Can Be Your Best (Ch. 8)

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After Graham calmed down I convinced him to walk around with me. We stole Matt's flashlight so we weren't completely in the dark. He told me that he reconsidered my offer and was looking for me. He heard my shout and immediately ran over to help me. As we walked around looking for an office or just someone, I thought about Justyne. I thought about her and how she could walk straight into my arms for me to carry her, and how she could guide correctly in the dark. And how she could disappear and appear behind me. I felt someone place a gentle hand on my shoulder and speak with a calming voice.

"Icelynn, are you okay?" Graham asked. I turned to him, my thoughts slowly slipping away.

"Uh, yeah. I'm okay." I said, shakily. He stopped.

"No you're not." He said looking at me. He stood infront of me, blocking my path. I stared at him.

"Yes, I am." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"No, you're not." He sassed, looking me dead in the eye. I laughed, pushing him aside.

"How you do know?" I asked him. He looked into my eyes. His hazel pulled at my soul, begging me to tell the thruth.

"Telepathy, remember?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah, right." I answered lazily. I continued walking and he followed.

"So we're going to find Nancy?"

"Y'know I'd be surprised that you knew that if you didn't tell me about the telepathy thing." I retorted with a smirk. He shrugged.

"Whatever. So what's bothering you?" He asked. He tried to be cool and casual, but I knew he was truly concerned.

"Just, uh, wondering how Matt, y'know got in here." I said keeping my eyes set ahead, avoiding his gaze. He took hold of my arm, and with a firm grip he turned me to face him. I noticed that the light cast a special glow on his face. It reminded of the picture I saw him in.

His eyes perfectly resembled a mother's eyes; filled with concern amd worry. His smile was of a relative; warm and inviting. His gaze was of an older brother's; patient and loving. His hand was of a close friend's; support that promised help no matter what. But it was him; it was Graham that somehow promised more than all of put together.

Something told me that he would always be there; through thick or thin. He would always be there for me. And at that moment nothing mattered. It didn't matter that we were enveloped in darkness, metaphorical or literal. It didn't matter that we were practically snowed in. It didn't matter that we were in the middle of a pysch ward. None of these things bothered me because I realized that the only way I knew that Graham would stay with me was because he had said it out loud.

I could see the sweat that rested on his brow. I could see how nervous he was; he was obviously very shy and found it hard to get along with people. I could tell that he had been trying to build up his courage to say this or something like it. I looked straight at him, and well, all I could see were his lips, damn shortness. But hey, it's not like it was a bad sight. I pushed other voice in my head as far away as possible and closed gap between us, slowly tilting my head to the right. He did the same, and it wasn't perfect, but the warmth of his soft lips just told me it was. The kiss persisted, my hands flying up to his hair, working their way through his knots and tangles, his hands making their way to my waist and snaking around. I shivered at the slight movement but soon relaxed into it. He pulled away first, trying to speak but obviously out of breath. I smiled. "We still have to get that info, y'know?"

"Or we could go back to my place and wait the storm out?" He smiled evilly.

"I don't think 'waiting' is all we'd do." I smirked and so did he.

"Oh, you know it, babe." He replied and I laughed.

"Let's just find Nancy, okay?" I said. He looked a bit disappointed, but soon shrugged it off as we continued walking. Gray lead the way holding the flashlight in front of our path. We walked down a flight of stairs, then down a corridor, across a large meeting room. As we walked my mind began to wander. Why did I kiss him? I mean, I barely know the guy! Or do I? He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't exactly place it...

I gasped. Graham turned to me.

"Are you okay?!" He asked. I looked at him deeply.

"Gray, when you were younger, did you have an imaginary friend?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, who didn't?" He replied.

"No, I mean like, one that seemed so real, that you didn't want to let them go? But then you had to, because otherwise you'd be called 'crazy' a-and 'childish'?" I asked. He looked at me as if I had figured out his secret.

"Y-yeah, but h-how do you know?" He wondered. His eyes widened when he thought about his long lost friend. "Oh my god. No. Th-that. I-it couldn't have been you."

"We telepathically communicated. Distance didn't really matter, but somehow we could do it as kids!"

"And we didn't even know we were doing it, so we just thought the other was an imaginary friend!"

"But then we had to stop 'cuz people thought we were crazy." I friwned looking down.

"But I never forgot you." He used his index finger to bring my head up so I could look at him. He lowered his head and I raised mine, and our lips touched, briefly and then we pulled apart.

"Neither did I." I smiled and he grinned that great grin of his that caused my smile to widen. We continued walking, hand in hand, my head on his shoulder, until we finally came to the last floor. I told Gray to hide because the patients weren't allowed to roam the institute, especially because of the black out. Nancy was scurring around her desk like a squirrel gathering food for the winter. She looked at me and squinted.

"Do you need any help?" She asked.

"Yeah, um, I was wondering if you knew when I'd be able to leave?" She didn't say anything, she simply pointed to the door. I took a step closer to it, using the flashlight to get a better look. There was about 3 feet of snow if not more. "Oh my god." I gasped.

"What an awful way to spend your second day here, I know." She shook her head slightly. "You can sleep in your office, accommodations are very unordely around here, sorry. I believe the orderlies have already set aside blankets and pillows in there."

"Thank you." I smiled and she went back to her scurring. Graham snuck up behind me as I walked up the stairs. He wrapped his arms around me as I gasped. "Jesus Gray! Don't scare me like that!" He chuckled.

"Sorry." We walked back up the stairs and I opened the door to his room.

"Well," I sighed. "The snow is gonna barricade us in here for a bit longer. I'm not sure how much longer though." I said and Graham nodded. Maybe I can leave in a day or two...


Author's note: If you're reading this story, comment. Just once, right now. I just want to know how many people have read this far. AND TRE I HAD BETTER SEE A COMMENT FROM YOU! YOU PROMISED TO READ THIS!

Also I wanted to tell you that this is going to be short. I'm at 7 chapters so there may only be (at most I think) 4 or 5 chapters after this. There will be a sequel, IF YOU GUYS WANT IT!!! If you do please tell me. You can tell me at the last chapter of course but now would be nice too. Oh and ps shits going down in the next chapter. Well the start of it.

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