Everything Will Be Alright (Ch. 13)

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(This is in Graham's POV)

(You may want to listen to Early Sunsets Over Monroeville or Demolition Lovers while reading this)

"Everything will be alright." I said as Caulfield approached. The ground shook harder than ever and a flash of white light caused me to instinctively jump out of the way. I fell on the ground staring at the wall which was decorated with Caulfield's insides.

"Goodbye, Gray." The words rung faintly through my ears. I turned to Icelynn. The skeleton on her Black Parade shirt disappeared in the black that was now visible on her shirt, like it was burnt. I crawled over to her and pulled delicately on her sleeve.

"Icelynn?" I asked. No answer. "Icelynn? Please, get up." I sniffled. I looked to the splattered wall. "Look, Icelynn, he's gone." I turned back to her with a sorrowful smile. "Now we gotta go. Please." I heard Jimmy's footsteps behind me.

"Gray?" When I didn't answer, his soft tone turned harder. "Graham, I hate to say it, but the burns on her..." He trailed off. No. No, he can't be thinking it.

"NO!" I yelled. "DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK  IT!" I glared at him, fury blazing in my eyes, hot, pain filled tears falling endlessly down my red cheeks. "SHE IS NOT  DEAD AND WE ARE NOT  LEAVING HER HERE." I turned back to Icelynn. Her body looked so peaceful, but at the same time, I felt that she was in distress. "We aren't going to leave you." I whispered. I couldn't. It would be impossible to leave her. She got me out of here. She helped me find my mother and brother. She was the one to put a smile on my face after four years. She was the one who uncovered the truth.

"Graham, I understand if you don't want to leave her here. But we have to go. The Warden's people are coming for us. So get her and let's go." Jimmy said. I nodded, picked her up, and slung her over my shoulder. Jimmy put his hand to the wall and it exploded outwards. My eyes widened as I realized just how powerful he really was.

Luckily for us, we were right next to the parking lot. We searched the lot for a car with open doors. I opened the back door and placed her, carefully, inside. I got into the front seat as Jimmy buckled his seat belt. I leaned down to yank the board under the steering wheel. I looked for the right wires, and when I found them, I tied them together. I was thanked with a spark and then engine roared to life without the need of a key.

I stomped my foot down and floored it. The car zoomed forward flying faster than the falling snow. I drove fast so I wouldn't have time to concentrate on my thoughts. My thoughts about Icelynn... I gripped the wheel so hard that my knuckles turned white. As white as... That blast in the cellar. If was probably a self defense mechanism that Caulfield had incase he was going to die. That bastard. I know he's dead, but I want to give a horrible, gory death for killing Icelynn.

What? Icelynn's not dead. She is not  dead. Why would I say that?

Because you know it's true...

No! She can't be dead. No. Hot tears began to fall down my face in sync with the falling snow. She can't be.

"Graham?" Jimmy whispered. "A-are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said roughly. Jimmy looked at me with skeptical eyes.

"I've been your brother long enough to know when you're lying." He said.

"I don't want to believe that she's gone. I know that I've only known her in person for two days, but because of the telepathy thing we've actually known each other for years." I sighed. "It's impossible to think that she's gone. I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like a piece of me is missing."

"Mom said that you shared a bond or something with someone. I'm guessing that 'someone' is Icelynn." Jimmy said. Before I could say something, my mind focused on someone far away from us. It was someone from Watergate. And he was with two other people.

"Jimmy, we have to go. They are people on our trail."

"I heard that there's a town nearby. Maybe we can stay there."

"I don't think that's a good idea. But we can leave the car there and hide out in the woods. I know that doesn't sound like a good idea either, but at least there won't be a lot of people there." When I finished Jimmy nodded.

We drove for about 5 more minutes and reached the town. After leaving the car there, we ran back into the forest, Icelynn over my shoulder. I had no intention of leaving her. It was still around 11:30, and I knew Jimmy was tired.

"Jimmy, why don't you sleep a bit? You look really tired." To tired to argue, he simply nodded. We sat under a tree, and Jimmy laid his head in lap while I let Icelynn sit upright against the tree.

Long after Jimmy fell asleep, I pulled out Icelynn's phone. It was in her pocket and I saw that it was 1:38. I couldn't sleep. Not with all the thoughts of Icelynn. I felt hollow. Like someone had pulled out my heart. I had finally met her and now she was gone. My sadness turned to anger. Just when things look good everything goes bad. The universe just loves to take everything that I love away. My mom, my brother, and now Icelynn. At least I got Jimmy back.

"And you'll have me back, too."

My head jerked towards Icelynn. She was sitting there. Ever so still. W-what? Great. Now my mind is making up voices.

"No it's not, Gray. It's me, Icelynn."

That's not even possible! I-I saw you die! A-and you're not moving. T-the blast!

"The blast just froze me."

But your chest was charred...

"Freezer burn. I couldn't tell you before because the mental block thing was hard to talk through." Tears streamed down my face as I realized she was okay. I pulled her close to me, careful not to wake Jimmy. I hugged her and whispered in her ear:

"I told you everything would be alright."


Soooooooo. Yeah, I lied. Icelynn's not dead! I put in a lot of work into this, and, just wondering, did any of you cry?



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