Chapter Five

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 Luna Hailee

Who does Mason think he is?

He rejected me.

He have no right questioning where I go, and who I'm with.

He rejected me.

I don't think he understands his role once he'd done that.

He can't control me, can't tell me what to do. Why the hell don't he just leave me alone?

Maybe I should tell him this, and hope it gets it through his thick skull. Jumping out of my bed, I run down the stairs in the direction of his office. I walk in without knocking, slamming the door shut behind me.

In his office he's seated at his desk, he stands up when he sees me. "Wh-."

I cut him off, before he could finish. "You rejected me." I stated angry.

"I didn't." He sighs, siting back down.

"You did. And you have no rights bossing me around. You're not my mate."

"I am." He growls.

"You're not." The tears that had been building up was falling down my face. "You know, all I ever wanted was a mate. You ruin that." I let out a bitter laugh. "And now you sit around dictating my life. Don't you feel bad enough; least you can do is leave me alone. Give me a chance to get over the fact that I will never have a mate. I will never get a chance to have what my brother has or what my parents had. "

Mason was stunned. You could tell from the look on his face, he didn't expect my outburst. He knew my parents were a tough subject; neither I nor my brother ever brought them up unless it was one of their birthdays or the anniversary of their death.

The room was silence for 5 whole minutes before he spoke. "I'm sorry. What is it that you want?"

"I just want to be left alone. To heal. And I appreciate if you stay out of my business." He growled. It was his wolf; he knew what was going to happen next. "You should probably learn to control your wolf, if we're going to be living in the same house and all. I figure this we be hard for the both of them." I said referring to mine and Mason's wolves.

"Fine, if that is it, you may go. I'll distance myself from you."

I nodded. I begin to open the door when he called my name. "I really am sorry." He said sincerely.

"Me to"

I was sorry I wasn't good enough for him and his wolf, and that neither of them will never know what's life to have a true mate. More than anything I was sorry for myself.


"Wow." Natalie said. I had just told her about the incident in Mas- the Alpha's office. I should really go back to calling him Alpha, Mason is too casually for our relationship.

"What now?"

"Not sure. Between yesterday and today I'm drained emotionally and physically. As of tomorrow anything can happen."

"Well, we go back to school tomorrow."

"I know. I should probably get some rest."

"You should, I'll be back later, so we can work on our homework together."

"Okay." She turned off the light and left my room shutting the door behind her.


I need to leave. No matter how big this pack house was I could still smell her delicious scent. My animistic instincts were starting to take over. My wolf wanted me to go upstairs to mark and mate with her.

But, I couldn't. I promise her I would leave her alone.

After all I did sort of reject her. I didn't say I didn't want her, nor did I say I did. I gave her all the reason to believe I did reject her. I not really sure that's what I wanted, I don't really know what I want. I think this space will help us- especially me -get insight on what it is that I want.

"Hailee is what we both want." My wolf butted in.

"I don't know that Wolfe" He growled.

Once I reached a tree far in the woods, I took off my clothes and shifted to my wolf. I picked up my clothes with my mouth and headed in the direction of the city.


I had been at the bar nearly an hour, drinking my problems away. "Pensacola martini please." A tan brunette said as she sat next to me. She was human. "Rough night?" She asked me once she notice the bottle of scotch I was drinking out of.

"You can say that." I took another swing of the scotch.

"Let me guess." The bartender handed her martini. "Thanks." She turned back to me. "Does it have something to do with a girl?"

"Ding, we have a winner." She laughed.

"Well if it makes you feel better I just got dumped to." She waved the bartender over, "I think I'm going to need something a little bit stronger. Vodka, Tequila, doesn't matter. "

"What happen?" She was shocked by my sudden interests.

"Long story short, I was with this guy –Liam-, we were together for like 3 years. About a month ago he started acting really weird. About a week ago I was on this business trip, I came back early and caught him in bed with my best friend."

"Wow, that's rough."

"Yea, what about you?"

"I guess you could say I caught feelings for my best friend sister."

"How did he take it?" The bartender bought her a glass that was half filled with vodka and ice.

"He doesn't know he can't. He's really over protective or her, plus she doesn't feel the same way, anymore at least."

"Loving somebody who doesn't love you back. I guess we're in the same boat here." She said taking another sip of her vodka.

"Yes, we are."

"Nina." She held out her hand for me to shake.


Merry Christmas

Cassadee Pope: Stupid Boy (Originally by Keith Urban)

Nina in the multimedia.

Yes its Mila Kunis. I love her. I've been watching a lot of That 70's Show this Christmas break, so I had to make Nina her.


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