Chapter Eighteen

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Beta Kate

Despite me being dead tired from taking care of the infant baby all night, Sam insisted that we have an early morning family meeting.

"I think we should move." Sam said. "I've talked with some other packs about us joining and if we wanted to we could leave by next week."

"What?" Hailee I and both yelled.

"This is our home, we grew up here." Hailee stated.

"I understand that, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to stay here considering the situation." He said referring to Mason rejecting Hailee. "I even talked to Adam last week and he said he would talk to his Alpha and we could join their pack, that way you could be near Natalie." He said to Hailee. "And you could be near your parents and Elliot." He said to me.

"Doesn't sound like such a bad idea." Hailee shrugged.

"Hailee could you take James to his room." I took James from Sam and handed him to Hailee. "I need to talk to your brother." She nodded before leaving the room. I turned back to Sam giving him my best glare.


"How could you even suggest that without talking to me first?"

"Didn't think it was that big of a deal."

"That big of a deal." I laughed. "What if someone tried to take me away from you." He growled. "We're not moving."

"I confuse you want her to be with Mason."

"I want her to be happy. And you suggesting that we move is not gonna make her happy if she's away from her mate."

"So he rejects her and get another girlfriend and in the end still gets to be her mate."

"I not saying it should be that easy. The moon goddess put them together for a reason and it's not right to try to keep them away from each other. What Mason did was wrong, but at the end of the day their mates."

"She can get a new mate."

"If it that easy, go get a new mate." He growled. "Exactly."


Luna Hailee

"You look great." He greeted me.

It wouldn't be the first time I had went to see him in the middle of the night. Since Natalie had left two weeks ago I had made several trips to see him. In one week I had lost my bestfriend and my boyfriend, not having them to lead on was hard for me. Times when I couldn't sleep I would go on a run, that run would always lead me back to him. Every time were together my wolf was happy and so was his it was one of the few times our wolves got to connect.

"Thanks." I walked in and sat across from him on the couch.

"So..... What's up?" He shuffled in his seat nervously.

"I wanted to talk."

"Okay." He nodded. "About what?"

"Why you rejected me?"

"I was stupid, I thought I was doing the right thing by rej- letting you go. I thought being with Nina would help me forget about you but I couldn't. I'm sorry." I wasn't the first time he had said this if I was keeping count it would have being at least the hundredths time.

"I know."

"I wanna make this work. I'll do whatever it takes."

"I don't know if it can." He look down. "The whole pack knows. Sam want us to move." I blurted out.

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