Chapter Fifteen

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Luna Hailee

After school I met Peter in the parking lot. Today was the day that he was going to meet Sam and Kate. For the past few days things had been going great. Sam and I relationship has taken a turn for the better, and Kate is in the stage in her pregnancy where she was happy and she was due in well over a month from now. Mason trip to different packs last longer than we expected and he wouldn't be back for another week, leaving me with more time to avoid him. Everything was look up.

Pretty much all the pack members knew that I had been rejected and tried their best to stray away from me and when they did they gave me looks filled with pity. Candice hadn't stop apologizing and Mark threaten to beat the shit out of whoever my mate was. Despite everybody now knowing I really didn't give a shit, I'm happy with Peter and that's all that matters.

"Hey babe." He kissed my lips. "Ready to go?" I nodded and he open the door to his truck and helped me get into it before shutting the door. "Did I tell you, how amazing you look today?" He said after he got in the car.

"No." I looked down at my bleach jeans and grey long sleeves shirt I looked pretty plain to me.

Mason probably thought I was plain, that's why he rejected me and spends all his time with a human goddess.

"Well you do." He smiled.

"Well thank you" I smiled. Despite my self-esteem being lowered since Mason rejected me, Peter has a way of making me feel like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. I sometimes feel guilty because with Mason still being my mate I will never truly give my all to him.

"You're welcome." He started the car and begin our journey to my house.


"Nice house." He said as we pulled up.

"Thanks." We got out the car and met Kate at the door.

She was wearing a blue sundress and her black house shoes. For the past few days her feet had swollen up and she haven't been able to wear shoes, so she's just been walking around in her house shoes. "Kate this is Peter my boyfriend" I gestured to him, "Peter, this is my brother wife Kate."

"Nice to meet you." He shook her hand.

"You to I've heard so much about you." She forced a smile. "Can we sit my feet our killing me?"

"Of course." I said going to help Kate to the living room. "Where's Sam?" I asked.

"Not sure, I think to get Mason."

"Mason? I thought he was gonna be gone another week." I said suddenly growing nervous.

"Decide to cut it short, I guess." She sat down.

Mason here, while Peter here this can't be good.

"Who's Mason?" Peter asked.

"Sam's best-friend and business partner." Kate explained.

"Peter and I have to go study." Kate nodded as she turn the channel to one of her favorite reality shows Real World: Skeleton. I grabbed Peter arm and lead him to the steps.

"Okay, well dinner will be done at 7." She yelled after us.

"Okay." We walked upstairs

"Eager to get me to your bedroom I see." He joked.

"Funny." I faked a laugh. "Let get to work." I took my math book from my book bag."

"Do we have to?" He pouted.

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