Chapter Eight

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Luna Hailee

"We need to start getting ready." Natalie said as she walked in the living room.

I looked down at my phone, "The party is four hours from now."

I was sitting in the game room with Henry - Natalie little brother- and his friends Mike and Eli who were also part of the pack, playing Call of Duty, we had just finally made it to the 5th level and I was so not ready to quit just to spend hours getting ready.

"Yea, but we need to do our hair, nails and make-up, and no offense Hailee but you totally need to shave your legs.

"Natalie!" I gasp, covering a part of my legs, lucky the boys were too into their game to hear our conversation.

"It okay because when I'm done people won't even notice, now come on." She pulled me from the couch making me die in the process.

"Thanks a lot Natalie we just lost one of our best players." Henry said.

"Sucks." She said as she continued us on our journey to her room, where she would torture me with all types of curling irons, and make- up brushes.


"Surprise!" Everyone yelled as we walked in the club. When they saw it was us they groan and went back to doing the various things that they were doing before.

"Good job guys when Jamie come she's going to be really surprise." Natalie giggled.

"Okay guys here she really comes." Emily said as she ran into the room and turning off the light then finding her hiding place. I ran and hid behind the bar.

"Hailee?" I turned around to see I wasn't the only person hiding behind the bar.

"Oh, hey Peter." I smiled at him.

"You look....." He looked me up and down, "Amazing."

"Thanks." I blushed.

"So-." I cut him off.

"Shhh." I whisper when I heard footsteps.

"Carter what are we doing here, I thought we were going out to dinner?" Jamie asked.

"We are, but first I need to grab some files for my brother. Do you mind hitting the light?"

"Sure." She sighed.

"Surprise." We all yelled.

"Oh my god, Carter." She hit him in his shoulder.


The party was in full swing, most people were dancing and some were sitting around talking. I was sitting in the back corner having a very interesting conversation with Peter. So far I had learned that he was 16 and from northern California he moved here because he's dad got a job at the local university, and he has a little sister name Holly.

"So what about you, do you have any siblings, parents, dogs?"

"Yea, I have an older brother, and both of my parents died, and I don't have a dog, or any pet for that matter."

"Sorry to hear about that."

"It fine." I pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I gonna go get another drink, would you like one?"

"Yea, soda is fine." I said not wanting a repeated of what happen last time I went out.

As he walked to the bar, Natalie came speed walking towards me. "Omg, tell me everything."

"Have you seriously been watching us until he walked away just to come over here and be nosey?"

"Duh now tell me, we don't have long."

"Nothing we're just talking."

"That's it, you're going to have to give me something to tell the girls." She nodded toward the table across the room from us, there sat Emily, and Candice.

"You guys are creeps."

"Whatever." She flipped her jet black hair, "Now tell me what you guys are talking about."

"Nothing really just general questions that you ask somebody when you meet them: How old are you? Where are you from? Do you have any siblings?"

"Are you single? Is he single?"

"I don't know we've been talking for 10 minutes."

"Well make that your next question. Here he comes, I gotta go."

"You friend is pretty weird." He handed me my drink.

"Yea she is. She wanted me to ask you whether or not you're single?"

"I am." He smiled." If you wanted to know all you had to do is ask, no need to pretend like your friend wanted to know." I blushed.

"I'm serious, she told me to ask you."

"I believe you." He teased me.

"Whatever." I took sip of my drink, "This is good, what is it."

"Some fruity girly drink."

"I like it." I took another sip.

"So how about those dance moves?"

"Let's not."

"Why?" He pouted.

"I don't dance. Well I do but only when I'm drunk."

"If you can do something drunk, then you can do it sober."



"Because, I not good at it."

"So, you don't have to be good at things just to do them."

"I don't know."

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"Oh you have no idea."

Taylor Swift: 22

Peter in multimedia 

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