Chapter Eleven

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Luna Hailee

It had been six weeks since my date with Peter. Everything was going good we got along really well, we hung out almost every day, he's sweet, he always compliment me, everything is perfect but he still haven't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Natalie says he is just taking it slow, but it's been more than a month how slow can it get.

I still haven't told Sam about Peter. For these pass couple of weeks I've been staying at Natalie house most of the days out of the week. Not that he notice, he was always consumed of Kate and the baby, not that I minded. I like the new found freedom I've been having.

"Where have you been?" Kate asked me. I was on my way to the back yard in the pack house for training when I ran into Kate in the dining room where she was sitting down eating fruit. She was a little over three months pregnant and from what I had heard she couldn't stop stuffing her face. Her bump was fairly big but she was also glowing and look more beautiful than ever. 

"Over Natalie's house."

"Why haven't you been staying here?" She eyed me suspiciously as she ate her bowl of fruit, which consists on strawberries, oranges, grapes and cut up bananas.

"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently.

"What do you mean what am I talking about?"

"What do you m-." She cut me off.

"Hailee, I'm serious."

I sighed, "With all the stuff going on here it's easier for me to stay there."

It was sort of the truth.

"Is this about the baby? Do you feel neglected?" She rambled on, "I told Sam that something was wrong with you, you're always gonna be important to us." She held on to my hand.

I didn't want her to think it had something to do with the baby but at the same time I couldn't tell her the truth.

"Kate I'm fine, school is stressful."

"Okay." She continued to enjoy her fruit. "Hey after training we should do something, shopping or we could go get our nails done, whatever you want on me, well really on Sam." She smiled excitedly.

"That sounds great but," Her smile immediately dropped, "I have a thing."

"A thing?" She questioned.

"Yea, just a thing." I said as I grabbed a grape out of her bowl.

"What is this thing you have to do?"

"Nothing really important, just hang out with some friends and work on some homework."

"What friends?" She asked as she put her bowl in the sink.

"You know my friends, Natalie, Jamie, and Judi."

"Well cancel." She kissed my cheek. "You can study when we get back, plus you hang out with them all the time." Before I could respond she left the dining area and went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

I didn't want to hang out with her because I knew she would ask a thousand questions, that I didn't want her to know the answers to. And if I skipped out on her she would tell Sam and he would probably take my car and make me hang out with her, either way I was stuck with her.

About time I headed to the backyard everyone was already partner up and practicing combat fighting. I was late so I had to run laps in human form. Afterwards I trained with Mark and believe me when I say he didn't go easy on me because I was a girl, every time I went to punch him he would duck and grab me pinning me to the ground, it happen so many times that I gave up.

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