Chapter Twelve

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Alpha Mason

"So my job is having a company party, I was wondering if you wanted to be my date." Nina asked me. We were lying in her bed just after having sex.

"Umm..." I hesitated.

"I know we aren't a couple but I just don't want to go alone. But you don't have to go if you don't want to." She said sounding nervous, which is a side I never seen by her.

"No, I'll love to. When is it?"

"Tomorrow. I know its last minute but I wasn't going to ask at first. "

"I'll have to change somethings in my schedule but I'll definitely be there."

"Great!" She smiled up at me before pressing her lips against mine.


"The bank finally agreed, we officially own the lake and the land around it." Sam said as he enter with my room with papers in his hand. "All you gotta do is sign theses papers."

"Good." I continued looking through my closet for an outfit to wear to Nina's company party. "Leave the documents on my bed I'll sign them later."

"Where you headed?" He asked me when he saw me pull out a suit from my closet.

"A party."

"Party? Will you be going with the human girl?"

"Sam there you go crossing that line again."

"Sue me, I'm curious." He shrugged.

"Goodbye Sam."

"Have fun." He waved as he left.

Luna Hailee

My hair was curled to perfection, my outfit consist of black high waisted shorts and a white sleeveless shirt with a black collar, and black sandals. With make-up I went for the smoky eye look and red lipstick and sliver ear rings.

"You look great." Natalie said.

No matter how good I looked I was still incredibly nervous. After a week of stalking I had finally gained all the courage to go to Peter's house to meet his family. It was the first time I've ever met someone else family, of course I was scared shitless. "Thanks."

"It's almost eight you better get going." Natalie told me. 

"Holly, Mom, Dad, this is Hailee." Peter said gesturing to me. "Hailee this is my little sister Holly and my mom Carol and Dad, Jeff."

"Nice to meet you." I waved.

"You to." They all replied.

"Dinners ready, so let's eat." Carol announced. We all followed her to the dinner room.

"You look beautiful." Peter whispered in my ear.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Peter parents sat at the end of the table while I sat next to Peter and across from Holly. On the table sat a plate of baked chicken and pasta and bread sticks.

"So Hailee tell us about yourself." Carol asked as she passed the plate of chicken.

"Not much to tell, I'm sixteen, my favorite color is green, I'm a straight A-student, I live with my brother and his wife."

"She's smart, good one Peter." Jeff said.

"What happen to your parents?"

"T-They um, died about eight years ago."

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