20. The Drink

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They continued to annoyingly scream that they had found the drink. Gabby went over and looked. They were not lying. It was the last drink they needed. The grape crush.

Meanwhile in the Games Offices

The president then began to scream at the rules officers. "Are you crazy! Did you ever take into account that this would happen?! Well it appears that you haven't!" The president then ordered for them to be killed.

Back to the games

They took the soda over to the pile. They counted ONE MILLION times. Thirty clues. Thirty drinks. Then the party began. Everybody drank all of the drinks and were clinking their soda cans together. It was almost midnight when there was only one drink left. They decided that everybody would get one sip from it. They drank it and then announced to the officers," We have our winners! We won as a group."

Back to the Headquarters

The president felt very proud. He had killed the people who ruined the Thirsty Games. The Vice President ram up to him."Look!" he screamed. He pointed at the competitors being flown away from the arena. The president had a big scowl on his face. He was going to not take this lightly at all.

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