Chase and Gabby are thrown into the car with handcuffs on. A single tear was dropping down the side of Gabby's face." Why must it be us?" Chase thought to himself. "Hey driver," he said. The driver looked at him with a massive scowl. "Are we the only ones from last year's Thirsty Games competing? "No," he said. "Same folks as last year PLUS 24 other kids. Chase and Gabby looked at each other." Well at least we get to see Ram," Chase whispered into Gabby's ear. They drove for 10 more hours, but to Chase and Gabby, it felt more like days. All Chase could here in his head was the driver mumbling to himself and the seconds ticking by at an imaginably slow pace.
They finally started to pull up to the capital. All they could think about was last year's Thirsty Games where they escaped in a helicopter for tricking the rules committee for the games. And then, they got out of the car, and went straight to a very luxurious looking building to hear the rules for this year's Thirsty Games.
The Thirsty Games Trilogy
AdventureChase and Gabby discover the hardships of The Thirsty Games. You will be on the edge of your seats in the three book series as they look for clues that could save their life. Alliances will be made and people will be tricked. Things will be destroye...