Chapter Seven - Merry Christmas, baby

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P.O.V Pete 

I came back to the hospital the next day, alone. I couldn't leave Patrick by himself. It was probably terrifying. I couldn't really cope without him. I broke up with Meagan last night after we came home and she left. It's horrible breaking up with the same girl a second time in one month. Both because I want to be with Patrick. Totally worth it. "Morning Patrick." I sat down beside his bed like last night and talked to him for hours. Telling him everything going on in the world. "I broke up with Meagan." I stroked his cheek with my hand. "She didn't take it very well, but I'd do anything for you. You know that." 

"It's been tough for everyone without you. I still know you'll recover from this. Easy right?" I scratched my head and dried my eyes which were tearing up again. 

Christmas Eve 

Here I am on Christmas, sitting in the hospital with Patrick, like every day this week. It was pitch black outside and I wasn't allowed to stay much longer. "Come on Patrick, just say something." 

"... Like?" He muttered, opening one eye. "Patrick! Finally! Have you been awake this entire time?!" He frowned. "No. Just.. now." I held his hand with both of mine, thanking whatever gave me my wish. "Did you hear anything I've said?" He nodded very slowly and looked up at me. "I..l-love you" I couldn't help but cry with happiness. "I need to tell the Doctors. Stay awake." I rushed out the door peaking over the edge. "Can I get a doctor in here please?" The Doctor who had been treating Patrick, who I found out was actually called Dr Bell, walked over to me. "Is something the matter Pete?" I shook my head, the tears still leaking out. "Quite the opposite, see for yourself." I wavered over to Patrick who was looking around him. We caught his attention and he gave a very small little wave. "That's outstanding. I've never seen anything like this either. He was in a coma from alcohol poisoning. You'll be fine now I'm sure Mr Stump. You'll need plenty of rest to recover but that shouldn't be a problem. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas!" I hugged Dr Bell and he stepped back, seemingly astounded. He gave me a small nod and walked out. "Patrick you're gonna be okay.. That's amazing. Get some rest and I'll call everyone."

"Pete.. wait. Come.. here." I shrugged and walked over to him. "What's wro-" He pulled me in and kissed me. "Now.. go call.. those.. idiots." He smirked and closed his eyes again.

P.O.V Patrick

Before I knew it everyone came flooding in. It was extremely overwhelming. "Dude, there's hundreds of thousands of fans outside!" Andy pointed out the window, bouncing up and down. "Twitter's going insane!" Joe added, flashing up his phone to show millions of tweets about me. "They're right, 'Praying for Patrick' is top of the trends." Dallon finished, smiling at me. "The media's going crazy. You're on every news report." Brendon turned on the T.V to show me. "Guys, I think you should give it a rest. Patrick looks a bit overwhelmed." Pete took my very thoughts and said them himself. I was still really tired and I couldn't speak without struggling for breath. Elisa stood awkwardly at the back of everyone. "Patrick I'm sorry about not letting you finish that night. I know you haven't told everyone else yet but now's probably a good time."  Elisa was being surprisingly forgiving about everything which made me feel pretty bad. "About what?" Joe and Andy looked at each other. I looked over at Pete, silently asking if it's okay to say. "Patrick and I have been seeing each other." Pete explained before I could even have an idea of what to say. "That's adorable!" Joe and Andy said in unison. Marie nodded. Spencer, Ryan and Dallon however said something that didn't surprise me. "Yeah we kinda heard from Brendon." I glared at Brendon. "You can't keep anything secret.. can.. you?" I gave a tiny laugh. "Nope." 

Everyone sat round me and started talking. Brendon told the Pizza saga which he exaggerated a bit, but it still made me laugh so hard. Despite it being in a hospital this was a pretty good Christmas. Not exactly how we planned it saying Pete and I wanted to have a dinner at my house but I couldn't have asked for it to be any better. Visiting hours were over before we'd even got started. "We'll be round first thing tomorrow to give everyone their presents Pat." Brendon promised. "Hey could one of you guys get the presents I left in my house?" Elisa volunteered saying all her stuff was there. Everyone cleared out, except Pete. "Long night huh?" 

"Best night I've had since that party." I winked at him. "Oh yeah? Well we can't exactly dance but we could definitely do the thing that started it all." He walked over to me very slowly. "Hm, I think I have time.." 

"Good, cause you'll need about.. ten minutes?" I leaned in and kissed him. It was the best feeling. Like I'd been dying to do it for years. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer and closer until he was basically sitting on my knees. "Visiting hours are over ladies." Joe and Andy smirked, standing outside the room. I went bright red and awkwardly coughed. Pete wasn't phased at all. "See you tomorrow 'Trick." I couldn't say anything from my embarrassment. I just looked at him as he strutted out of the room, blowing a kiss before closing the door. I lay back in my bed reliving it. What a night.. 

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