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a/n: ahhhhhhhhh

scott watched the boy walk home from his perch on the rooftop, his blood red eyes glittering in the moonlight. he tilted his head slightly and grinned, revealing two razor-sharp fangs.

mitch yawned and fished his key out of his bag to open the front door. once he did, he rushed inside and closed the door behind him before collapsing on the couch.

with a flutter of his cloak, scott was gone from the rooftop, now hiding in the shadows of the boy's apartment. his eyes glowed in the dark.

mitch rubbed his eyes and reached over for the blanket on top of the couch, and draped it over himself. he curled up slightly and let his eyes slip closed.

scott moved silently over to watch him, towering above the boy's small, delicate figure.

mitch curled up even more and started to fall asleep, exhausted from working late.

scott's gaze flickered to the boy's neck, and he wanted more than anything to sink his teeth into the delicious flesh right then and there, but he forced those thoughts out of his head and waited patiently for the boy to sleep.

mitch quickly drifted off, his breathing deepening and evening and his body relaxing.

scott quickly waved his hand and the body of the boy rose in the air. his head fell back, exposing more of his neck, and scott had to take a moment to compose himself before he could continue.

finally, scott trusted himself enough to continue, so he waved his hand again. the boy was gone. next was scott's turn. he turned on his heel and the night was silent once more.


mitch woke up slowly the next morning and he blinked sleepily, moving to get up to go get coffee. he couldn't move, though, and he quickly looked around, his heart beating faster when he realized he wasn't home.

scott's crimson eyes lit up coldly when he saw the boy was awake, and he silently moved over to the side of the bed he had put him on. "hello."

mitch quickly looked over at scott and chewed on his lip nervously, trying to move away from him.

scott's lips slowly split into a grin. "oh, don't worry. i won't hurt you." he tilted his head slightly, meeting mitch's eyes. "i like to, uh... play with my food before i eat it."

mitch shuddered and looked away from him, his heart beating faster and faster.

scott grinned wider, but moved away from him, knowing if he stayed that close he'd certainly sink his teeth into his neck. "what's your name, little one?"

"m-mitch," he whispered shakily, not meeting his eyes.

scott smiled, circling the bed where he was immobilized like the predator to its prey. "such a beautiful name," he murmured. "fits you perfectly."

mitch stayed silent, staring at the ceiling.

with a wave of his hand, scott released mitch from his prison, wanting to see what he'd do.

mitch immediately curled up and wrapped his arms around himself, burying his face in his elbow since he knew he couldn't get away now.

scott smiled and advanced again, lifting mitch's head up with a single cold finger.

mitch shuddered again but reluctantly met his eyes with teary ones.

"why are you afraid, mitch?"

"this i-isn't home," mitch whispered shakily.

scott smiled coldly. "no." he pulled him to stand up and pressed him against the wall, ghosting his fangs over mitch's neck. "it most certainly isn't."

mitch whimpered quietly and squeezed his eyes closed.

reluctantly, scott pulled away and released him, stalking off without another word.

mitch sighed shakily and quickly curled up back on the bed, holding himself tightly.

scott let out a soft growl and forced himself not to turn back around and bite him.

mitch sniffled quietly and quickly wiped his eyes, not wanting to cry.

scott closed his eyes and calmed himself down, and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.

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