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scott came back to the castle with glowing red eyes. it was clear he was in stage two of desperation.

mitch sat in his room with a different outfit on, but it was still leggings and a sweatshirt. he absentmindedly played with a loose string in the sheets of his bed, humming softly to himself.

scott waved his hand and the huge oak doors opened immediately seemingly of their own accord, and he stalked inside, his eyes darkening.

mitch set his hands in his lap to stop himself from completely ruining his sheets, his voice getting softer.

scott immediately walked to mitch's room and threw open the door, flicking his wrist to force mitch back suddenly against the wall.

mitch stopped his humming and looked up at scott with wide eyes.

scott pinned him against the wall and slammed their lips together.

mitch hesitantly kissed back, glancing up at him.

scott pulled away just enough to growl against his lips, "i'm craving you, little one."

mitch shivered at his voice and looked up at him again.

scott pulled away to trail his fangs along mitch's neck, his eyes darkening and his hands coming to grab mitch's hips.

mitch squeaked quietly and his eyes widened.

scott finally gave in to what he'd been wanting to do ever since he took mitch and sunk his fangs into mitch's neck, relishing the taste of the fresh blood flowing over his tongue.

mitch screamed and his knees almost immediately gave out. he fell against scott and whimpered shakily.

scott ignored him, drinking hungrily.

black edges appeared around mitch's vision, and slowly, he fell unconscious.

scott still kept drinking, unable to stop himself - mitch was too delicious.

mitch slumped over against the taller man, his head falling on scott's shoulder.

scott couldn't bring himself to pull away, savoring the taste of mitch's blood.

mitch's breathing slowly got more and more shallow, his body getting more pale with every passing minute.

scott finally forced himself to pull away, eagerly licking his lips.

mitch fell completely against him now that he could move, his hair falling into his eyes.


scott waited patiently for mitch to wake up, tapping patterns on his thighs.

mitch made a small noise suddenly and blinked his eyes open a minute or two later. his eyes were a light red, almost pink, and half-lidded sleepily.

scott smiled. "welcome back, little one."

mitch yawned quietly and moved closer to scott. his fangs were shorter than scott's, but they were definietly noticeable, as with his paler skin.

scott smiled wider and gently beckoned wth his wrist, causing mitch to get up and move into his arms.

mitch pressed against scott's chest and yawned again, shivering.

"how do you feel?"

"tired. hungry," mitch muttered quietly.

"what would you like to eat?"

mitch shrugged slightly.

scott hummed softly to himself, but didn't speak.

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