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mitch looked up with wide eyes when scott entered the room again, and his heart raced in his chest fearfully.

with a wave of his hand, scott pulled mitch to him, and he smirked down at the small boy. "did you miss me?"

mitch stayed silent and bit his lip harshly.

"i think you did. after all, how could you not?"

mitch looked away from him and wrapped his arms around himself.

"aw, darling. don't be like that," scott said, grinning. "at least i haven't killed you yet."

mitch flinched and tried to step away from him.

scott wrapped his cold hand around mitch's arm, pulling him back. "nah ah ah," he sang softly, his crimson eyes glittering maliciously.

mitch shuddered and kept his eyes on the ground. "p-please, i want t-to to ho-home-"

"you're never going home," scott said coldly, letting go of his arm. "you're simply too delicious."

mitch whimpered quietly and chewed nervously on his lip.

scott watched him for a moment before turning on his heel. "dinner will be here in an hour," he called over his shoulder, and with that, he was gone.

mitch shivered and backed himself into the wall.


scott didn't go inside the room where mitch was being kept when he sent in the dinner, not trusting himself. his normally blood red eyes had darkened to a maroon color, and he had no doubt if he got anywhere near mitch he'd sink his teeth into his creamy skin. however, scott wasn't quite ready to kill him yet, so he stayed away.

mitch glanced at the plate of food on the floor, then turned his head away and curled up tighter.

scott growled softly, but quickly moved away from the door to find some other animal with blood for him to drink.

mitch shuddered and whimpered quietly at the sound, squeezing his eyes shut.


scott returned in the middle of the night. it was one of those times when he wished vampires could sleep, as he was bored and knew if he didn't get something to do he'd kill mitch.

mitch was curled up pitifully on the floor with his face buried in a blanket that he managed to pull over himself, fast asleep.

scott sighed. his eyes were barely glowing, the blood red dull and muted. usually, this meant he needed blood, but unfortunately for him, human blood.

mitch curled up tighter and sniffled quietly in his sleep.

also very unfortunate, this was the first stage of scott's cravings. first, he got tired and barely active. second, he got vicious.

mitch whimpered quietly, in the middle of a nightmare, and shivered from the cold air blowing in from the open window.

scott abruptly switched to the next stage with a jolt, and just like that, his eyes were glowing bright red again. he snarled loudly and immediately stalked towards mitch's door.

mitch jumped awake at the sound and abruptly sat up, staring fearfully at the door. he was wide awake now.

scott forced the door open with a wave of his hand. he searched wildly around for mitch, and when he saw him, he flicked two of his fingers at him, causing the small boy to be forced against the wall.

mitch squeaked quietly and he started to tremble, desperately trying to get away.

with another wave of his hand, mitch was immobilized, and scott immediately stalked over to him. his eyes glowed brighter, crimson irises glittering with evil.

mitch whimpered and bit his lip until it started to bleed, and a drop of the red liquid ran down his bottom lip.

scott's sharp gaze immediately focused on it, and with another low growl, he lapped it up.

mitch sniffled and stopped struggling since he knew he wasn't going anywhere.

scott quickly took mitch's bottom lip in his mouth and sucked, his eyes dimming as the blood ran over his tongue. it wasn't exactly what usually happened, but it was blood, and it was enough to appease the beast for the time being.

mitch whimpered louder and squeezed his eyes shut quickly.

scott forced himself to pull away. it was difficult, as mitch's blood was the best he'd ever had. he could only imagine what it would taste like straight from the jugular.

a small sob passed mitch's lips and he cried quietly, tears streaming down his cheeks to land on his shirt. he wanted to go home.

"just as i suspected," scott said softly, tilting his head and still staring at him with his unblinking gaze. "you taste delicious."

mitch sobbed weakly and choked out, "please let m-me go."

scott grinned, blood staining his teeth. "not until i've drained every last drop of blood out of your delicious body."

mitch sobbed shakily and forced his eyes open to meet scott's terrifying glowing stare. "p-please..."

"no." scott stared at his neck for another moment, then turned on his heel. as he did so, his cloak shifted ever so slightly, and two pearly white bite marks on his neck were revealed.

mitch saw them and furrowed his eyebrows, staring at the bite curiously and drying his tears.

scott left the room, the door slamming behind him.

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