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what is this an update whaaaaaatttt


scott was sat leaning against his door, his fangs deep in his wrist as he drank his own blood. his eyes were closed and he was trembling with desperation. or maybe that was blood loss.

mitch was watching from the doorway quietly, his lips pressed together and his arms held to his chest.

scott made a small noise and squeezed his eyes shut, drinking more and more and more. he couldn't get enough.

mitch stepped closer and sniffled quietly.

scott jumped at the sound and quickly pulled his wrist away, standing up and turning to face mitch. "what are you doing?"

mitch looked up at him, but quickly looked down and shook his head, stepping back.

scott glanced down his wrist, which now had blood running down his fingers and dripping onto the floor. "what are you doing?" he repeated.

"n-nothing," mitch whispered quickly.

scott took a step closer. "why were you watching me?"

mitch stepped back when scott moved forward, keeping his gaze downcast.

scott took another step, his eyes flashing. "answer me."

mitch whimpered quietly at his harsh tone and stepped back again.

scott's eyes glowed brighter. "answer me!"

mitch flinched and backed himself into the wall shakily. "b-because i wanted t-to see where you we-went," he whispered almost inaudibly.

scott let out a low growl, but dropped it, quickly going back into his room to lick up the blood on his hand.

mitch didn't move to go back to his room, though. he stayed pressed against the wall, trembling slightly.

scott quickly closed the door and started drinking his blood again.

mitch slid down the wall to curl up pitifully on the floor, burying his face in his elbow as he brought his arms around his legs.

scott whimpered quietly and pulled his wrist away again, desperately needed human blood.

mitch let out a shaky breath and held his knees to his chest, squeezing his eyes shut.

something inside him snapped, and scott walked out of his room to find mitch.

mitch looked up when scott exited his room and pressed himself further against the wall fearfully.

scott jerked his wrist up, forcing mitch to stand, and rushed over to him.

mitch stared at him with wide eyes, trembling slightly.

it took all scott had not to sink his teeth into mitch's neck, not wanting to kill him just yet. he grabbed mitch's arm and instead sunk his teeth into his wrist.

mitch screamed and trembled harder, frantically trying to pull his arm away. he stopped when the pain got worse and worse.

the human side of scott felt horrible, but the vampire side was simply desperate, and he held up a hand to immobilize mitch as he drank.

mitch sobbed weakly and let his eyes close. he would've lost his balance if he wasn't immobilized by scott.

scott drank as much as he dared, savoring the sweet taste of mitch's blood as it flowed over his tongue.

mitch slowly started to lose consciousness, still trembling almost violently. small whimpers escaped his lips occasionally, along with quiet sobs.

eventually, scott forced himself to pull away, gasping for breath. a drop of mitch's blood dripped from his fangs down his chin, and he quickly licked it up, not wanting to let any amount of his delicious blood go to waste.

mitch blacked out, his breathing becoming more shallow by the minute.

scott blinked a few times to refocus himself, and doing so caused the immobilization to become undone. his eyes widened slightly as mitch started to fall and quickly caught him.

mitch slumped over against him, his knees buckling underneath his own weight. blood dripped down his hand and onto scott's shirt, staining it.

scott quickly waved his hand and sighed with relief when a bandage appeared on mitch's arm, scooping him up carefully to carry him back to his room.

mitch's head fell back against scott's arm and his arms dangled limply at his sides, his breaths becoming more even now.

scott opened the door to mitch's room with his mind and went inside, carefully setting mitch on the bed.

mitch laid still, his hair covering his eyes.

scott resisted the urge to kiss him and pulled away.

mitch was completely still on the bed, sleeping soundly.

scott watched him for a moment more before turning and walking out. the door closed silently behind him.

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