
18 2 2

This story will have mature content in it. 18+ please.

Everything in this book is completely fictional. Anything resembling actual places or people is completely coincidental.

It was one day before I was moving away from my home town. I was more then excited to get away from this toxic town.
"Kyia, do you have everything packed?" My mom yelled from the living room. "No, I still have to pack all of my little stuff."
"Do you need any help sweetheart?"
"No I got it." My mom was always so helpful. She was the only one I was sad about leaving behind. I didn't have any friends or other family, my mom and dad had a fall apart when I was young and he left. As for friends I really only had two real friends, well I thought. Caroline and Tiffany. Caroline moved to New Siar, she got a job as a model. She was definitely the pretty friend. She was always there for me and always had my back. And for Tiffany, well let's just say she is a back stabbing bitch! After my life started to crumble around me, I thought leaving the town would be the best thing for me. It was hard for me to tell my mom my decision to move away, she was heart broken, but she understood. My life needed more then this little town could give me, and I wasn't moving too far away, it was only a four hour drive from St. Mair to Balwood.

I was putting the last of my stuff in a box when I felt my mother hug me from behind. Her hair was in a messy bun, strands of her brown hair falling around her face. Her green eyes were glassy, I could see she was crying. "I hope you realize I will be coming to visit you as much as I can." She said with a shaking voice.
"I know mom, don't worry about me I'll be fine, don't cry okay." I said as I embraced her.
"I know you'll be fine honey, it's just that, you won't be five minutes away anymore." She started to sob.
"Oh mom don't cry." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. Before I knew it we were a huddled mess on the floor. We cried and told each other how much we loved each other before calming down. "Is everything set miss?" Said one of the moving van drivers.
"Yes, I just have these boxes over in the corner." I said as I pulled myself together and stood from the floor. Me and my mom put the last four boxes inside the van. "Is everything set to go?" Said the mover.
"Yeah, everything is good." I replied. He closed the back and climbed into the drivers seat and pulled away. It was such a surreal feeling watching my furniture driving away. I heard my mom sniffle behind me. "Mom please don't cry." I said turning toward her. "I still have all day with you, I'm leaving in the morning."
"I know sweet pea, I need to just see the positive in this situation." She said smiling with tears running down her face. "I love you mom." I said hugging her. "I love you too sugar." I locked up the apartment and walked over to the landlords apartment and gave him the key before driving the five minutes to my moms house.

We pulled into the driveway of the house, my mom grabbed my hand as she turned off the car. "Hun, I think we should have a moving away party." I laughed, "Mom I don't have any friends."
"Well I mean, just me and you. Let's do our nails and makeup..."
I cut her off, "Like, have a makeover!" I said laughing.
"Or just get drunk?" She said with a smile on her face.
"That's sounds more like me." I said as we both laughed. Me and my mom had one last drunken blowout before we both passed out from the fun. I woke up to my phone alarm going off, letting me know it was time to officially move.

After an hour of consoling my mother we hit the road for the four hour drive to my new apartment in Balwood. The drive felt like a eternity, I took my car and I was so anxious the whole drive there. I couldn't get there faster. As we finally pulled up to the apartment my excitement only grew, the moving van was already there and they were unloading my stuff inside. I felt like I was going to explode with excitement, I was finally going to start new. I hopped out of my car and started helping unload all of my boxes. "Hey miss, we have just been setting the boxes in your living room, if you would like anything in specific rooms let us know." Said one of the movers. "Alright will do." I grabbed a box from the van and walked inside. The box was labeled kitchen, I starting walking toward the kitchen, weaving through boxes the whole way. I figured it was probably best to sort through the boxes than it was to move them in, I was paying the movers to do it after all. I started to place the boxes in the rooms that they were labeled. "Kyia is there anything you want me to do?" Asked my mom.
"You could help sort through these with me." I said pointing to the pile of boxes in the living room. She processed to pick up boxes and move them accordingly. After about four house the house was unpacked. Well everything was in the house at least. It was six in the afternoon and it was time to finally say goodbye. "Thanks mom, for helping me today."
"Of course sweetie, why wouldn't I help my daughter." She kissed my forehead and embraced me in a hug. "I love you pumpkin, I'm going to miss you dearly." She said as her eyes began to glass over.
"I love you too mom, and remember I'm always a phone call away." We hugged each other tight before she walked out to her car. She blew me a kiss before driving away.

This is my first story so, I would love comments back to help improve anything or just so I know how and if you are enjoying the story.

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