Settling in.

11 1 2

I woke up in my new apartment to my new life. Yes everything around me was in boxes but, it was still perfect. Today was the day to go job hunting, yes I know I probably should have found one before moving but, its a four hour drive and I didn't have time or money to make a trip up and down to go job hunting. I have saved up enough money to pay first and second months rent so as long as I find a job within a month I will be golden. I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 9:42 and I have one message from my mom. The message read:

Good morning love, I hope you slept well in your new place. Please give your mother a call when you wake up. Love mom.

The message put a smile on my face. I dialed my moms number and waited for her to answer. "Hello"
"Hey mom, I slept well, I already love it here."
"Oh good sweetie, it was hard on me." She said with a laugh.
"Mom, I haven't lived with you since I was eighteen." I said laughing. "Why was it so hard for you?"
"Well its different when its four hours away."
"Okay mom, well I need to go job hunting, I'll call later, love you bye."
"Okay love you too, bye darling." I hung up the phone and hopped out of bed. I started rummaging in a box labeled clothes, took me about thirty minutes to find something I wanted to wear. Then I jumped in the shower. It felt so good being in a new shower. After I was done I dried off and began blow drying my hair. My hair goes to the middle of my back so it takes a while to dry on its own. After I was finished drying my hair I pulled it up into a loose bun and applied some eyeliner and mascara. I pulled out my bun and decided to leave my hair down for the day. I brushed my teeth and was out for the hunt.

I decided I was going to walk from place to place looking for help wanted signs. This way I got more familiar with the city, saved gas, and got my exercises all in one. After walking the city for two hours, I applied at two restaurants, one dry cleaners, and four stores. Hopefully at least one calls me back. It was almost two when I got back to my apartment and I was starving. I ordered a pizza since I hadn't done any shopping today. I flopped on my couch and dialed away. "This is Hot Pizzeria how can I help you?" 

"I would like to make a delivery."

"Alright, what would you like?"

"I would like a medium pepperoni pizza."

"Okay where is that going to be delivered?"

"1462 South 426 West, apartment 16."

"Alright, It will be $7.13, and about 30 minutes."

"Okay thank you." As I waited for my pizza to arrive I decided to do some organizing. I started to unpack my kitchen first, I got half way done when there was a knock at the door. "Yes! PIZZA!" I yelled as I ran to open the door. I opened the door to a cute pizza boy, he had short blond hair and blue eyes, with a slight scruff on his face. "That will be $7.13." He said. I handed over the money and he handed me the pizza. I didn't know what I was more happy about, the cute pizza boy, or the pizza its self. I flopped myself down on my couch turned on the t.v. and started munching. After three pieces I was stuffed. "I should probably start getting smalls." I said to myself as I put the rest in the fridge.

 With a full belly I got back to organizing. After getting the kitchen and living room organized I realized that it was nine a clock, and I was completely exhausted. I sluggishly walked into my room to change into some pajamas, I took of the little bit of makeup that I had and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed.

Hey guys! I know this chapter is a little small. Its been a little while since I last wrote so I'm having a hard time getting back into this story. I will make the next chapter longer. Please leave comments about the story. What I should change or what you liked or disliked. It will help a lot. Thanks!!! I'm also thinking about doing a P.O.V of Alexander. Let me know if you think that is a good idea

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