First Day

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Kyia P.O.V

He was in my head all night. It was hard for me to think of anything else, his smile, his eyes, his laugh, what was with this man. Who was he? I barley got any sleep, tossing and turning all night because of him. Out of all nights it had to be this one, today was my first day on the job and I was exhausted. I staggered out of bed and sluggishly walked into the bathroom, "Oh my god, I look like a raccoon with these dark circles under my eyes, I look dead. Maybe a hot shower will help." The water felt so relaxing, I didn't want to get out, but sadly it was my first day and I couldn't be late for my first day. 

After the interview yesterday I did have a chance to finally pick some grocery up, so I could have a proper breakfast. I decided on a hot bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal with a glass of orange juice.  After I brushed my teeth and styled my hair, decided I would leave it down the the day. After a little concealer under my eyes, some eyeliner and mascara I was ready to go. I grabbed my bags and my keys and went to leave as I reached to grab the door handle his face flashed into my mind. Would he be working today? What if I run into him again? What if we practically walk to work together again? My heart began to speed up. I really didn't want to see him again.

I took a big sigh and walked outside. I looked up and down the street but didn't see him anywhere. "Good, maybe it's his day off." I said laughing to myself. I walked down the stairs and began walking toward the store, every so often looking over my shoulder seeing if he was there. When the store was in sight I felt a big relief that I hadn't seen him, but my worry wasn't over. The automatic doors opened and I looked around seeing if I could spot him, nothing. A smile spread over my face. I walked toward the back of the store to check myself in and get working.

"Kyia, I'm glad you made it." Stated the Rachel as she walked up behind me.

"Of course I wouldn't miss my first day." I said with a smile.

"I told the crew yesterday that you would be working here so if you need any help don't stop from asking any of them. Also here is your name tag." 

"Thanks." I said as I took my name tag and clipped it on my shirt. I clocked in for my first official first day. I read the to-do list for the work today, I was assigned to stock shelves, I immediately started on my work. "Hey you're Kyia right?" Said a woman from behind me.

"Yes I am." I said turning around to see who it was. She was around my height with bouncy blond curls. She was tan with huge blue eyes.  

"I'm Rebecca." She said holding her hand out for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking her had.

"So I know you are new here so if you need anything I am more then willing to help out."

"Thanks, I'll remember that." She got a huge smile and went on her way. First day and I think I made a friend, not to bad. She was the complete opposite of me but that would always be a good thing. I continued stocking shelves when I heard some people talking around the corner. 

"Hey do you want to invite the new girl?

"Sure but I don't want to ask."

"Why not, it's not like she will bite." From the talking I could hear it was to male voices talking. 

"Dude you know how I get around new people, and she is really hot." The last comment made me blush.

"Even more of a reason to invite her."

"Hey what are you guess talking about?" This voice sounded really familier but I couldn't but a finger on who it was. 

"Josh wants me to invite the new girl to the party."

"Yea but Sam is a little bitch and won't do it because he thinks she is hot." Well know I know two of their names.

"Hey boys." Rang a familier female voice. "What are you all gathered for, shouldn't you be working?" I pin pointed the female to be Rebecca, but the last voice was still a mystery. 

"Josh wants me to invite the new girl." Said Sam.

"Yea but he won't." Mocked Josh.

"I'll do it." Chimed in Rebecca. "Hey Kyia, want to go to a party!" She yelled from a crossed the isles. 

"Shit she is over there!" Stated Sam in embarrassment. Josh and the mystery voice busted out in a out roar of laughter.

"Yea why she is stocking shelves?" Asked Rebecca. Through laughter Josh stated, "Because he said she was hot, and she probably heard the whole thing." Rebecca hopped her head around the corner, "So, do you want to go?" She said with a grin on her face.

"Um, well, I guess I could go."

"Great, give me your number and I will text you the address."

"Um, I don't have a car." I said shyly.

"That's fine, I can tell Alex to swing by and pick you up when he picks us up."

"Um, who is us?"

"Oh just me and the girls, Jessie and Sarah. They also work here."

"Oh okay, that sounds good." 

"Great." She said as she handed over her phone to me so I could put her number in her phone. She turned and skipped away in pride, and I got back to my work. 

When the day was almost over my phone vibrated with a text, it read,

Hey this is Rebecca!!! :) The party is at 10:30! Come looking HOTTT ;) give me your address so we can swing by!

Okay I will be ready. My address is 1462 South 426 West, apartment 16 .

Awesome cant wait!

I can't believe I have made a friend and got invited to a party on my first day, I even made it all day without seeing him! Today feels like its going to be great. I was done with my shift at nine giving me just enough time to walk home and change. I decided to take Rebecca's advice and dress HOTTT as she put it. I put on a nice tight black dress with flats. I even decided to put on a some eye shadow to help my eyes pop. That's when my phone rang.


"Hey are you ready?" Said Rebecca on the other line.

"Yeah come and get me." I was pretty excited for this party, it was only my second day in the city and I felt so alive.

"Awesome on our way." And the phone hung up. It took them about five minutes to get to my apartment I had been waiting outside to make it easier for them to pick me up. A nice black car pulled up and parked next to me, Rebecca jumped out of the passengers side and gave me a huge hug. 

"Oh my god, you look so hot!" She said looking me up and down. It made me blush a little, but also made me feel pretty good. 


"So you can sit in the passengers side and I will sit next to Jessie and Sarah."

"Alright." I opened the door and looked in to see who this Alex guy was, and my eyes almost popped out of my head from shock. Of course it was, out of everyone in the world it had to be him. 

Hey guys! So I decided that I am going to do an Alex P.O.V only every couple chapters. Let me know how you are liking the story so far or what you think I should add or change. If you do enjoy this story give it a vote, I will appreciate it! I also want to say thanks to everyone who has read or is reading it and helping me get out there.

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