The Interview

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I was startled awake  to my phone ringing profusely. It was 6:30 in the morning. "Who is calling me at this time." I said as I grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I was in a fatiguedvoice.

"Hello, is this Kyia Simian?"


"Hi this is Rachel Newman from Shop Surplus, I looked over your application and was wondering if you would be interested in coming in for a job interview?"

"Oh yes I would love too, at what time?"

"Is 10 okay?"

"Yes that's perfect, I'll be in."

"Great, I'll see you then."  I hung up the phone with excitement, "I can't believe I already have a job interview, this is amazing!" I was full of energy from anticipation, I started to dig through my boxes of clothes to find something nice to wear. After an eternity and a completely messy room I had found a nice purple top and some black jeans to wear. I danced my way into the bathroom where I began to shower. I took my time in the shower and let the water cascade over me in complete bliss. After about forty-five minutes I climbed out and began to dry myself off. 

After I was finished blow drying my hair and was dressed to impress, I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail, leaving my swoopy bands out of course. Next I started to apply eyeliner and mascara just to give me a not so dead look. When I was finished it was a quarter to nine, just enough time to get some breakfast before walking down to the store for my interview. I opened the fridge to be reminded of how I didn't go shopping yesterday. Only a box of pizza stared in my face. "Shit, I really need to go shopping." I grabbed a slice not letting it get in the way of my good mood, don't get me wrong I like pizza just not exactly what I was wanting for breakfast. It would only take me roughly fifteen minutes to walk to the store so decided I would leave my apartment at 9:35 just to be safe. I grabbed my bag and was out the door. 

I was about three blocks away from my apartment when noticed that someone was following me. He was tall, light skin with shorter jet black hair. He was wearing black jeans and a green jacket, he was quite attractive, but still creepy that he was following me. After two more blocked I started to panic, I was getting close to the store so I knew I would be safe soon. As I saw the stores doors I began to slightly jog toward them, and I past threw the doors a wave of safety washed over me, as I turned to look behind me I saw him walk through the doors behind me. There is no way, why would he follow me all the way here? He wouldn't do anything with all these people around would he? My heart exploded in my chest as he walked up to me. He started to unzip his jacket. Oh My God! I screamed internally, and that's when I saw it. His navi blue polo shirt and name tag. He fucking works here! "Are you okay?" His words broke me from my internal turmoil. "Oh, um, yes  I'm fine." The words stuttered out of my mouth. He smiled one very attractive smile and turned away, and just like that he was gone. 

I walked up to the service desk to let them know I was here for my interview. "Hello, I'm Kyia Simian I'm here for an interview." The woman at the desk was old, she had ashen hair cut short for easier maintenance. "Alright, I will let the manager know." She said in a sweet voice. "She will be right with you. You can sit right there." She said as she pointed to a chair near an office door. I sat for five minutes before the door opened and a woman approached me. She was dressed in a blue blouse and a black sleek skirt, blue must be the company color. She was platinum blond, obviously fake, with obviously fake boobs. "You must be Kyia. Come on in." She motioned for me to enter her office. 

Her office wasn't to impressive, a desk, bookshelf, couch, and a chair sitting a crossed the desk. "Take a seat." She said as she sat at her desk. The interview began the second my ass hit that chair. All of the obvious questions, why would you be good for this job, what would you bring to the work place, what form of education do you have, why should we pick you for the job, etc. After a long forty-five minutes I got the job! She handed five navi blue polo's and told me I start tomorrow.  

I was so happy that I rushed out of the office and right into him. Of course out of all people him. He had a stack of papers which went flying everywhere and knocked me right on my ass. "Shit." We both said in unison. He reached his hand out to me to help me up. As my hand grasped his I was absolutely amazed by how soft they were. I looked up in amazement into his eyes, which where completely and utterly mesmerizing. Pale blue and beautiful. He started to laugh which broke my creepy gaze. Then I notices how attractive his laugh was. God what was with this man! "Maybe be a little more careful next time." He said with a smile.   

"Yeah sorry about that, let me help you." I said staring at the mess of papers on the floor. 

"Thanks, sense it kinda was your fault." He said with a chuckle.

"True." I said with a laugh. We both started to clean up the mess I made. After a couple minutes it was like it never happened, and he continued on his way, and I began to walk home. 

Hey guys! Just want to know how you liked this chapter. If I should improve anything . Leave me a comment on what you liked or how I should improve. Any idea is a good Idea! They will slowly start to get longer I promise. Just trying to figure out how I want things to go!  So please give a comment! It will help out a ton!

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