A New Friendship

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Kyia's P.O.V

I was woke up by Rebecca's phone ringing like crazy. She flung up from her sleep and shut it up as fast as she could before turning to me. "Sorry did that wake you?" She said in a sleepy yet apologetic voice. "Yeah, but that's okay." I said stretching from my sleep. We slept on the floor in the living room,  made me feel like a kid again. "It was Alex, he is probably wanting to see if I am okay." She began to dial his number. "Hey." "Sorry we where sleeping." I couldn't hear the other line so I just sat there in an awkward silence. "Yeah I'll ask." She pulled the phone from her ear. "Hey want to go to breakfast?" She said staring at me. 

"Um, sure why not." 

"She said yes. Okay we will get dressed. Yeah. Okay. Alright see you soon." She hung up the phone. "So he said he would be here in thirty minutes. Can I barrow some clothes?" She said to me with a puppy dog face. I nodded and we both jumped up and ran into my room. It felt nice to actually spend time with someone who actually liked me. It was like I was a young teenage girl all over again. For the next thirty minutes I was practically playing dress up with my own clothes. We blasted music and danced as we changes clothing over and over, laughing the whole time. We decided to make my bed like the runway for a fashion shoot. Posing at the end with mismatched articles of clothing.

 We were in tears on the floor when we heard a knock at the door. "Shit he is here." Cried out Rebecca holding her sides. 

"Well go answer the door." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Why me?" 

"Because look at me." I said as I pointed to my mismatched attire. 

"So look at me." She said busting up as she copied me. We both started busting up when there was another knock at the door, harder this time. You could hear he was getting impatient waiting outside. "Come in!" I finally yelled. I could hear the door open and shut. "Hello?" Yelled Alexander. Rebecca and I just erupted in laughter. 

"What on earth are you two doing? I thought we where going to breakfast." Stated Alexander from my doorway. We couldn't get out a word we where laughing so hard. Alexander just shook his head and walked away. After about fifteen minutes we were all set and ready to go. "That took way longer then I wanted. If I would have known that you girls would be messing around I wouldn't have came so early." Said Alexander as we both walked into the living room. 

"Sorry Alex, we just got carried away." Chuckled Rebecca.

"Let's just go eat." He said as he stood up from the couch. We both looked at each other smirking as we followed him out of the apartment. I turned to lock the door on the way out before walking down to his car. "Shot gun!" Yelled Rebecca as she skipped toward the car. "You can have it when we leave the restaurant." She said as she turned and looked at me. 

"Alright." I smiled at her. We all climbed into Alexander's car. "Okay girls what sounds good for breakfast." Commented Alexander as he started the engine. 

"I don't care." Stated Rebecca.

"Kyia?" Questioned Alexander as he turned to look at me. 

"I'm still kinda new to the whole what's a good place to eat so, I don't mind." I felt my cheeks go hot and my heart speed up, why was that making me feel that way, it was a simple question. 

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