Voodoo Doll

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"Come on Luke we're all gonna play spin the bottle!" A very drunk Calum slurs to an almost as drunk Luke. They were at their last high school party ever, and they were going to party like never before. Finally 18 years old, they could drink all they wanted and no one could say otherwise.

Luke let himself be dragged over to a large group of people sitting in a circle on the floor. Everything was blurred and hazy, and Luke wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking or the sweet smelling smoke that surrounded him, but he felt amazing. He felt ready to do anything.

Someone took out an empty beer bottle and sat it in the middle of the circle. It was either green, blue, or purple. Luke couldn't really tell, the strobe light was making everything seem different, more so than usual.

A girl with black hair and bright pink lips spun the bottle first. She laughed and giggled as it landed on the large brunette boy sitting next to her. Everyone hooted and hollered as she climbed on his lap and attached her lips to his. Luke didn't know who either of them were but he was almost sure they had more than enough experience at doing that.

His friend Michael spun next. It landed on a boy across the circle from Luke. He looked familiar but Luke didn't even try to place a name to the face.

It seemed as though everyone was to drunk to see what was going on around them or just didn't care, because they just whistled and clapped as Michael ran a hand through his purple hair and pushed his lips on the other lads. They both pulled away and laughed. Michael just crawled back to his spot and took a drag of whatever substance was being passed around, then laughed again.

The noise seemed to grow as each person and the next spun he bottle. Luke watched each person crawl over to the person their spun landed on and suck their face off. It didn't seem to matter that some of them had made out with their best friend or their best friends girlfriends and/or boyfriends. He laughed and cheered along with the crowd.

The bottle finally ends up in Luke's hand and he is faintly aware, in the very back of his mind, that he has a girlfriend and he should be looking for her here somewhere, but he places the bottle in the curl and flicks his wrist to make it spin instead. Everyone's eyes are on either the bottle or him. It spins around about six times, Luke counted, before it comes to a stop.

Luke's eyes follow the bottles neck up to the person he is to snog with. Hazel eyes meet his and Luke doesn't care that he's in a room filled with people and he'd never do this sober, he reaches across and grabs the persons face.

Their lips meet and Luke suddenly feels warm. Not that 'sitting by the fire wrapped in a blanket' warm, but an indescribable warmth that spreads across Luke's face and over his chest and back before finally reaching his toes. Luke doesn't know how he's never felt this before. Maybe it's the smoke, he tells himself. He's never done it before so maybe it's how everyone feels when they smoke it for the first time. Luke doesn't believe himself though.

The noise around him goes into slow motion and falls to a dull sound in Luke's ears. Hazel eyes close, Luke feels them flutter against his cheeks. The pair are unbelievably close.

Luke smiles and bites the others bottom lip. Luke likes to be the one in control but the person has other plans.

Luke feels his bottom lip being bitten twice as hard as he had done before. Luke never knew how much he liked pain like that. The teeth release his lip and a tongue immediately enters his mouth. He doesn't fight it, just lets it explore his mouth. The tongue is rough as it runs across the top of his mouth. Luke can't suppress a groan.

The tongue pulls from his mouth and Luke takes it in him to return the favour. He enters the foreign space and memorized every single thing in the other mouth. From how large it is to the gap between the last tooth on the bottom right and the rest of the teeth.

Luke pulls out when he's sure he has found everything. He received a hum of disapproval from the other as he did so. They continued to kiss in a soft matter until the noise returned back to its full bulk and speed.

Luke pulls away grinning and out of breath. The lad in front of him has the same expression. Luke doesn't care that he had just made out with another boy. It was the best kiss he'd ever had.

Luke takes in the boys hazel eyes again. They are slightly glazed. He's probably drunk and high, Luke accesses. The boy slumps back against the sofa behind him still breathing heavy. Luke smirks, happy with himself, and scoots back into his spot to continue the game.

At this point Luke still can't tell what made him feel so warm and amazing. It's was still the best kiss he'd ever had.

Heya! So I am now writing this story for my amazing friend Vanessa (lovelife_16) because she is writing me one and she is my bestestestestestestest friend in all the universes.

And by the way Luke, Calum, and Michael are all 18 (and they are just graduating if ya didn't catch that) and Ashton is the normal Ashton age of 19.

Sorry about the caution in the description. I just don't really feel comfortable with younger people reading smut. Even if mine is extremely horrible. I didn't want to rate this R because I want everyone to be able to read it but... bit unsure. Eh, whatever, read if you want, blah, blah, blah.

I'd love it if you would all like, comment, share, and whatever else you people do with these things.... Please don't tell me what you all do with these stories.

Love you all and criticism is alway welcome!!

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