Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The weekend before Valentine’s Day, my mom and my step-dad were out in San Diego for the long weekend with my little brother. They would usually leave me alone because they knew I had lots of things to do for school and I really had to get ready to graduate even though all I had were A’s in all my classes. Friday night when I came from the movie theatre with Vivian, Michael, Jacob, and his girlfriend, I went straight into my room to do some homework.

When I changed into some sweats and a hoodie and headed to my desk on the side of my room I saw an envelope I had not seen before. Well, that was weird; there wasn’t supposed to be anybody in the house. I opened it and I suddenly got the chills. I knew it. It was Jeremy. There was a picture of Nick and I and Nick’s face had been scratched across. There was also a paper and read it: “Don’t wait too long, my dear, time will bring us together again. I will see you soon beautiful.”

I dropped and I sort of got dizzy. What if he was still in here? I grabbed some scissors from my desk and went around checking to see if he was in here.

All of the lights were off. I slowly tip-toed across the room and went out to the hall way. “Damn it.” I whispered to myself as I realized I should’ve gotten my cell phone just in case. I checked each room and then went downstairs. I could feel myself shaking and I wish I could close my eyes and open them to realize it was a nightmare. When I got to the kitchen I heard a noise from the backyard. I was too scared to head on that way but I had too. My hands were shaking anxiously and my legs were trembling so hard to that I felt weak. Every step I took felt like I was going to fall down. I reached the back door and paused before opening it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Here we go,” I said when opening the door. I took a step outside and looked around. Further out I saw something moving and I tried to stay in control with myself. I slowly walked towards the moving object with the scissors out just in case I was attacked.

“Jeremy? Is that you?” I asked with a shaky voice. I waited but when I heard a noise again, a cat jumped out at me. It scared me but good thing it wasn’t him. I jogged back to the house and went up to my room. What do I do? Should I call the cops? Should I call Vivian? Should I call Michael? Should I call my parents? I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to get anybody worried, especially Nick. I tried not to be scared but I was alone without anybody to help. I didn’t feel safe anymore but I didn’t want Nick to come because I knew Jeremy would try to do something to him. I decided not call anybody but at night I wasn’t able to sleep knowing that Jeremy had been inside my house and inside my room.

Early in the morning I heard really loud knocking. I grabbed the scissors from my drawer and went down to the door. I wasn’t expecting anybody this early. I slowly opened the door and Nick was there.

“Nick!” I excitedly yelled out, threw the scissors to the side, and ran into his arms.

“Hey gorgeous!” he told me, “Why did you have scissors?”

I didn’t want to tell him about last night, “Um, I...I was cutting out something.” His smile disappeared into a serious face.

“Samantha, come on, don’t lie to me.”

How did he know I was lying? He’s been extremely attentive with every little single detail.

“What do you mean I’m lying? I’ve been cutting some things for homework.”

He didn’t say anything as he stared straight into my eyes with a mad look. I gave up, “Fine! You got me, but before I even show you anything, please promise me you won’t make a big fuss about it?”

He thought about it and said, “I can’t promise you anything.”

“Why are you so stubborn like that?”

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