Expect The Unexpected; Part 2

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Warning: you might experience slight identity crisis between the boys in the following chapters but I promise you that it is all apart of the story and will be further explained.

4:30 pm Oakwood Forest

Name: the

Liam's POV

Here I am, in our black rover driving to our destined destination along with four idiots to a party; food,drinks and strippers. What fun. Not.

I was practically dragged into this because of the truth but as much as I want to deny it I can't. Cause duh it's the truth. Anyway

I just open they won't get too wasted, I don't want to deal with these people in the morning. Especially Niall, that's terrible.
"Who's the host anyway?" Harry asked
"I think Paul"
"Damn I wanted a girl" Harry cursed as I gave him the pointed look
"Liam are we there yet?" Niall whined
"I'm ready for some hot chicks"
"No. Just no"
"I meant food Liam"
"But if you were meaning it the other way..." He trailed off until Louis smacked him upside
"What'd you do that for?" He asked clutching his forehead
"Dirty little bastard" Louis scolded
"Actually I could settle for some of that" Harry chimed in rubbing his chin. I don't even wanna know what goes in his mind

"Louis smack him would ya" I asked clutching my temple. They're horny alright
"The pleasure is all mine" Louis bowed and smacked both of them

"What'd you do that for" Harry groaned clutching his forehead
"I don't even care if you stole my line"Niall grunted still rubbing his forehead as Harry rolled his eyes

"Why don't we just play a game like 'I spy' ? Louis asked "that'll clean your minds" he pointed at Harry and Niall as they stuck their tongues out

10 mins later

"O-Okay my turn!" Niall raised his hand up but never really needed a response "I spy..." He trailed off looking around outside the windows "something...red?" He paused looking at something in the bushes

"Red?" Louis asked looking out of the window as well. I was about to ask about it but was interrupted by our car that suddenly screeched and drifted to the side of the road.

"What happened?" Zayn asked clearly he was jolted awake

"I don't know" I answered "but I'm gonna find out"

"Wait don't!" Harry stopped "isn't this like in one of those movies?"

"I don't think-"

"No wait, hear me out" I quirked my eyebrow waiting for a incredulous response from none other than Harry styles "like the character sees two red beady eyes or something else in the bushes that seemed suspicious then suddenly the car stops workings the engine shuts down and in this case there's a flat tire, which is pretty common, then the character goes out and checks the hood then something comes our and kills them" he rambled

I tried catching up to it and when I finally did. It actually seemed pretty precise but who knows it might just be a coincidence

"Well would you like to volunteer to come with me?" I asked Harry and just like I suspect it

He shook his head vigorously, "I love ya buddy but I'm not that stupid" I turned to look at the rest but was greeted by;

"No way dude"Niall


"I'll go" Zayn. Who else

"Thanks bud I can really feel the love guys" I said clutching my chest over my heart

"No problem li" Louis said saluting me goodbye as I rolled my eyes, getting our of the car as Zayn followed my motions.

My feet padded along the side of the road, snapping a few branches along the way. Finally I reached the hood opening it as I checked everything inside.

"Nothing seemed to be wrong" Zayn reported kicking one of the tires

"Same here"

I was about to go back to the car when something rustled back in the bushes that made me stop in my tracks.

"Did ya hear that?" Zayn asked as I nodded in response
Then the same sound was heard again but this time it was nearer

"Over there" Zayn whispered pointing at the bushes that Niall spotted earlier. The same red but this time it was glassy like a mirror, like lens. Two beady red lens following our every move when suddenly..


I then turned to Zayn who was wide eyed as he dropped on the floor groaning in pain and clutching his left ankle. I then made no hesitation in dropping next to him, inspecting his left ankle that had a red dart attached to it.

I then took it out as he yelped in pain and shock "what happened?!" I asked frantically

"I don't-" were his last words before he blacked out in my arms

"Zayn?" I shook him only to be greeted by nothing. No noise, no movement, nothing.
I glanced our surroundings searching yet again the two red lens staring at our situation as I could see my own reflection crouched down next to Zayn's body then I heard a cocking sound coming from the same bush was only then I knew that it was a gun


I turned to the car where Louis was busy flailing his arms out motioning me towards the drivers side when only then I snapped back into reality bringing Zayn up and sprinting towards the passengers side and putting him carefully in as I made my way back to my side but not before catching the same red lens slowly inching smaller and smaller until it was gone and I had made my way inside and immediately the questions started flowing in the minute I hit the gas pedal

"Liam?! What happened?!"

"Are you okay?!"

Despite the questions being thrown at me I couldn't answer a thing cause, well, I have no answer.

I don't know what happen

I don't know if I'm okay but I am... For now

I don't know if Zayn is as well

I don't even know if were going to be okay

I viewed the rear view mirror only to see two figures crouching down and picking up the red dart then sprinting towards the bushes but not before catching my eye and winking before disappearing in the midst of the dense forest.

Now I knew what happened like I was snapped back into reality

We were safe by a close call but I don't think it's gonna stay that way...

Expect The Unexpected; A One Direction Spy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now