Us? Spies?

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Harry's POV

"See you on the flip side!" I announce running through the maze and like any other playground there were monkey bars which were probably my weakness. I mean, don't get me wrong those kiddie things were easy. Psh too easy. But this no, completely diffrent, they were twice my size and way manier than I imagined. So yeah, easy piecy

"Well shit" I muttered as I jumped high catching one of the bars and swinging by them one by one until one of them became a swinging rod making me hang there like a lunatic.

"Harry?" I heard a voice.. Louis? "Louis?"

"Oh, thank god. I found a walkie talkie thingy on your play suit, yeah right pocket then their are like pics of us.. You look adorable Harry I've gotta say" he explains chuckling at the end.


I picked a little bit from my right pocket and fished out a tiny wrist band with each of our pictures and gladly, they picked the most embarassing one of them all. (A/n:Pic on the side)

"That's nice" I state with sarcasm in my voice "but aren't you and Niall such cuties" I gush as he groaned "don't remind me"

"Yeah, don't mind me I'm trynna win"

"Really now, your just hangin' there. Like a monkey or something"

"Wait hod you know-" I looked around catching a glimpse of the red play suit generally viewing means laughing as I was still hanging here like hangman.

"Haha" I laughed sarcastically as he saluted me off. You wait for it, Tomlinson, you just wait.

Wait, where's Niall?

Niall's POV

I climbed the slide, yes, I climbed Itami no, there was no other way. This is one messed up playground, I'll give them that and trust me climbing up a jumbo slide isn't that easy. I reached the top to only find another"you've go to be kidding me" I mutter as I slid down slowly.. Slowly but carefully right?

"Niall? Niall? You there bud-"

"Holy shit!" I exclaim as I hit the floor on my ass

"Ohhh, you ok there lad" he cooed


"There's my leprechaun, god, I thought you were dead" he fake gasp as I rolled my eyes picking myself up. Where the hell am I now?

"Like I would get killed out here" I scoff "who knows" I could feel him shrugging right now. And smirking.

Suddenly something- or someone- moved from behind me "hello?" I call out. This is so creepy

"BAAAHHH!" Someone jumped out and tackled me to the floor leaving me screaming and thrashing around . The person moved out from above me as I cocked my head to the side, panting and trying to catch my breath, to see Harry laughing and Louis rolling in the floor laughing as well. Assholes.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I ask slightly laughing.. They're crying for gods sake. How can you not laugh?

"You... Should've... Seen... Your face" Louis finished trying to catch his breath as I groaned.. This isn't funny anymore.

"Yeah, you were all like" Harry tries to imitate my face then laughed.

"Okay,okay I'm done" Louis announces picking himself off the floor then picking Harry up who only left light chuckles.

"I take it, my face was very much entertaining?" I joke as they nodded "now what?" Harry asks.

"Well,it's still a race isn't it?" Louis challenges

Expect The Unexpected; A One Direction Spy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now