Self Training

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Name: Through The Dark

Unknown's POV

Harry and Louis made their way down the Hall rejoining the rest of the band. Well 4/5 of them
"Lock all the entrances" I said into the receiver as I watched the cam carefully and immediately the end of the hallway was blocked leaving the rest dark and empty except for the many doors continuing.
"What was that?" Zayn asked frantically. Some of the side effects are wearing off already
"I think that's the sound of death" Louis inquired and at the same time the torches lit up
"Cool" Harry and Niall awed at the sight as Zayn grabbed one. "Come on" he led them in through the hallway.
'Now for phase one' I thought to myself
"They're coming at you" I said into the receiver as they ventured the long hallway.
"Pfft. Like they stand a chance" Blake scoffed "they're wiser than you think Blake, I suggest not to let your guard down"
"Sure boss"
"this is so creepy" Zayn commented as he led the way but then there was a sound that startled them


Then I heard laughing coming form the receiver "guys shut up!" I demanded "did you hear that?" Niall asked ceasing movement as he turned to listen at it again
They all nodded their heads "black out". I whispered into the receiver knowing they were close to them and as planned the lights went out.

Here we will test their senses and moral instincts
The guys set out immediately turning on their night vision goggles as they approached the boys.
"Guys?" Harry questioned "where are you?"
"Well we can't see now can we Harry?' Louis questioned back "but anyways I think your behind me"
"Well in that case" he responded shoving his foot forward and hitting Blake's groin making him double over in pain "did ya feel anything?"
"You didn't even touch me"Louis laughed"And I think that was a little to hard for he don't ya think?" He asked to witch Harry responded with a simple shrug "Niall?" Louis called out "you there"
It went silent for a minute before he was answered "of course I'm here it was just a black out right?"
"Just checking don't need to get rational Niall" Louis defended "don't get your Irish ass in a twist"
"Harry where the heck is Lou?" Niall asked irritated "um erm..ahh I think he's beside you mate"
"Oh great" Niall smirked evilly as he kneed Ren and head locked him bringing him down, muffling the noise and breathing

"That'll teach ya" Niall smirked

"Teach me what?" Louis asked

"The hell are ya man"

"I don't know"

"Wait where's Zayn?"

"Right here" he responded as Peter went to aim for his neck but then he dodged it by moving towards the side"Did ya feel that?" Zayn asked but then they all answered 'no' "guys I'm serous no playing games"
"We wouldn't even be moving cause it's pitch black out here" Niall retorted
Zayn smacked peter in the head receiving a loud 'ow' before he covered his mouth. I face palmed. Great."Niall did I hit you?" Oh, forgot, peter's irish
"Umm" he said inspecting around "nope why?"
"Well I heard a sound and I thought it was-" Zayn started and sighed "never mind"

"Okay that's it I'm finding the light switch" Louis announced" through the Dark" moving forward then purposely trying to stride making peter and Blake both groan as Louis made it to the other end.
"Guys" he called out "I really think someone's on to us"
"Ya think" Niall snorted "and you just used our songs as a reference"
"No Niall, I know" Louis sassed as Niall rolled his eyes "I'm still serious about it though"
"Hey guys I found the light switch!" Harry hollered as he began reaching for it. Well that ends it.
"Okay boys out" I said into the receiver only receiving groans and a few nods here and there.
"Ain't so strong now aren't ya" I laughed as they all growled "not funny"
"Just use the smoke bomb up you idiot" peter grunted lifting himself up
Blake raised his hands up in defense and threw the bomb in the middle of the room just as the lights went in.

"Holy crap" Harry cursed
"Guys it might be some death gas or something" Louis added covering his nose as I chuckled
"Relax Lou not everything is as the same as a movie"Niall countered rolling his eyes
Louis scoffed "your still following it anyway"
"Better safe than sorry Niall" Zayn added shrugging as he covered his nose. "Fine" Niall finally gave in as he complied doing the same.
"Guys get out of there" I whispered/ shouted in a demanding tone through the receiver. "Can't you see that were trying?" Peter whispered grunting as he made his way out carrying Blake and Ren with him. "Thank god" I sighed in relief as the reefer began to speak again
"How'd we do?" Peter asked his Irish accent raspier than before since the activity that has taken place . I sighed before answering "better than the average"
"Does that mean?" Blake's voice was hopeful "just take a break"

"There you guys are"Louis engulfed all of them in a group hug "yup here we are"'Harry repeated.

"Now what?" Niall asked "we go the rest of the way" Zayn answered looking for approvals in to which was received by nods.

"Welp leggo!" Louis announced running through the rest of the hallway "this is gonna kill us"
Harry groaned as Zayn and Niall nodded.

"Come on"

❗️ Authors note ❗️

Thun thun thun....hi guys thank you for all the reads, comments and votes. If you have any suggestions or recommendations please comment to make a better book annndd

A late happy New Year! Hope you guys had a good one!


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