Expect The Unexpected; Part 3

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Warning: you might experience slight identity crisis between the boys in the following chapters but I promise you that it is all apart of the story and will be further explained.

6:00pm The Bulk

Name: The Distraction

Unknown's POV

Threatened, that's what they are ,now we just have to hunt them down and bring out their inner beast, that's our goal.
'They know' I thought 'we need a distraction'

I pocked up the phone a dialed the numbers before putting it at my ear

"Send them in" I demanded and hung up receiving a'yes sir' before doing so..

Louis' POV

We drove to about an hour and a half before we reached the pub Simon rented for the night; The Bulk (weird name, I know right)

Don't ask me what on what just happened nearly and hour ago cause I have no idea. The minute Liam stepped in the car we've been throwing him questions left and right but then he just kept mumbling stuff like; 'were not safe here' and 'who were those'.. I have no idea what to do with that but I guess it's over now right?

We entered the place and immediately I was greeted with the smell of liquor, the place was dim lighted, strobe lights bouncing everywhere. There were about three doors so far the the bar with a line of stools at the side. A small stage and a long pole with a round couch surrounding it was in the middle which I'm guessing was for the strip show. All in all it was a good pick and hopefully it would relieve some of the stress and worries of some people (A.K.A Liam).

Once we made our way towards a stall Niall broke the silence

"Ok guys listen up!" Niall announced making our heads turn to look at him "lets all just relax and enjoy one night...by ourselves...nobody else"

"Agree" I said putting my arm around him

"Easy for you to say" Liam countered his head in his hands "your a carefree leprechaun, it's in your nature"

Niall rolled his eyes "if yer gonna keep using that against meh I won't hesitate te bring out the spoon biz buddy" he warned his Irish accent thicker than usual. I then cut off their conversation and motioned for the drinks table where he can go loco with Harold ,once they left I turned my attention back to Liam

"Plus come on li, your already here-" I started

"Correction, forced to come here" he cute me off crossing his arms over his chest

I rolled my eyes "and what are you gonna do huh? Sit and watch?"

"Actually yeah" I huffed and stood up

"Liam it is my birthday week and therefore you shall follow me and live your life" I said grabbing his arm and moving him to the dance floor

"But Louis-"

"No but's, if's , or whatsoever your gonna follow me and do as I say" I stated sternly

"You've gone safe mode since your break-up" I mumbled


"Nothing" I chuckled and turned my head to the DJ motioning him for a song as he nodded in response

"Now go dance while I get us some drinks"

He was about to protest but before he could I already retreated to the bar to see Niall and Harry downing some shots.

"Is Liam alright Lou?" Harry asked me patting my shoulder

"Just a little worried I guess"I answered avoiding his gaze as I ordered two shots. I'm still a little upset about our predicament in twitter.

He sighed "are you still angry about that?" He whined as I firmly nodded

"Where's Niall?" I asked trying to change the subject although I knew Harry that well enough that he can see past through my little white lie ( 👈 hehe 😏)

"I know you well enough Lou" Harry, once again read my mind.

"Look Harry, i get your still worried about all the 'Larry Stylinson' fans out there but it just dosen't make sense just to not make your best buddie a birthday greeting. I t kinda hurts ya know" I sighed

"I know man, I just.. It kinda gets to me-you know- the hate and all" he sighed "but I won't let this get through our friendship alright?"

"Your still my best bud right?"

I then look into his eyes and I knew I was still looking at my young partner in crime, 16 year old Harold and I knew that he was the same person like before

"As long as you remember that your my best bud too" I said before giving him a big bear hug.

"Now that this is all away" I said standing up "let's party!" I fist pumped and grabbed the shots to move to Liam

"Here you go li-" I started but was cut of by the scene played up in front of me.

Our innocent daddy direction snogging the face of a dancer . Hmm I guess there's a first for everything. But just as I cut off my sentence Liam stopped and glanced at me blushing. He's blushing.

"I think you won't need this anymore" I continued downing both shots "you've got quite a meal there" I then walked away but not before getting a glance that Liam has resumed his former.... Activity.

"Oi there he is!" Someone shouted as I snapped my attention to the voice although it was pretty hard because of the loud music that voiced of the walls and the dim lighted room with the strobe lights and everything. But then my eyes landed to a lad with brownish blond hair and blue eyes complete with the Irish accent. Niall, I mean I knew it was him hehe, who else would it be

I made my way to the table where as suspected I was greeted by a drunk Niall and a tipsy Harry. I'm not blaming them cause that's what we came here to do anyway. "It's the party crasher!" Niall laughed

"It's the party pooper!" I shouted/laughed back

"Touché" he wagged his finger at me before taking a huge swig of his beer. . That's gonna be a problem later

"Aww you poor sap" Harry cooed "worried about Liam?" He asked downing a shot

I laughed "he's doing fine actually" I said pointing towards Liam who was now grinding with the same girl. At least we know he isn't that bad " I wasn't even worried about him anyways"

"Good lad" Harry commented

"Now come on lad, get me some drinks" I announce shooing Harry away to get me some drinks. The only flaw of this party is that there are no free drinks but somehow we managed. Thank you Harold.

He came back to the table handing both(me and Niall) beers before grabbing one of his own clinking it with ours " cheeky charmer" I commented pinching Harry's cheek.

Harry slapped my hand away "I know"

"Gentlemen" our hostess announces but I thought it was a guy? I shrugged off the thought it's just a thought Lou relax "I would like to present to you our main event for your entertainment and instruction 'strip trip' "
We applauded as they made their way towards the pole and did what they did best; strip

I'll be honest with you, I'm not really a fan of strippers but I don't hate them either sooo you can say there's a but of love/hate. But I don't compare on how much these idiots love them horny horan and cheeky charmer..
I don't even want to know what goes on their minds

"Woohoo!" I hollered "give me a strip I'll give you a tip" I winked at one of them making them giggle like crazy

This is horrible, I don't even know if it's the beer talking or me all I know is I'm having fun. Hopefully this night can be the distraction we all needed.

Expect The Unexpected; A One Direction Spy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now