Self Training; Part 2

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Name: Flames and Darts

Unknown's POV

"Phase 2" I said through the receiver as the boys made it to the the end of the hallway at the center of the hall. As Ashley barged into the room " IM BORED" great, she maybe my favorite niece but she is a real pain in the ass, a smart ass at that. And after along conversation with Ashley I finally pushed her into the scene cause you know she's one hell of a fighter.

"Dan?" I called using the intercom "please be a babe and check on Liam" she gave her agreements as I hung up with a simple 'thank you'. Liam wasn't that hard though. All you need is a babe and a lonely heartbroken love pup and there you have it and yes I very well knew that they were dating.

" now what?" Harry asked looking around the hall as they all shrugged. "I swear this whole thing is like saw" Louis commented as they all nodded in agreement.

"Well now what?" Harry repeated "maybe we can explore the tunnels" Niall suggested.

They all thought about it for a while until Zayn spoke up "great idea lad"

"Yeah maybe that head was useful after all" Harry added smiling smugly as Niall shoved him off "of course it's useful ya idiot"he growled as Harry raised his hands up in surrender

"Anyway" Louis continued hunting Niall to continue "oh yeah" Niall said "we can explore the hallways to find the exit then we can use our phones to communicate" he explained.

"So wait" Harry paused "meaning alone" Niall nodded "or in partners" Niall suggested

"Okay team Larry and Ziall" Louis announced as they all nodded then they separated. Perfect .

"They separated" I said into the receiver then I heard grumbling and rustling of feet "hello?"

"Sir?" I breathed out a sigh of relief "like I said they separated. Prepare." They all groaned then I heard a subtle 'yes'. Good enough.

Harry and Louis took a right while as Zayn and Niall took left.

Let the show begin..

Harry's POV

"Were off to see the other side, the wonderful side of the hall" Louis and I sang as we skipped through the hallway.

Then we stopped through an intersection "left or right?"Louis asked turning to me. I thought about it for a moment before I announced



We turned to each other and engaged to a staring contest "I'm going the other way"

"But Harry we can't go in two directions, we can only go in one direction"

Then we went into fits of laughter until I finally spoke up "let's just go to the right direction" Louis nodded as we skipped to the right.

After much skipping we just walked admiring the mid-evil architecture and design of the place, kinda reminds me of a castle. When suddenly...

"Holy-" Louis grunted bending on his knees clutching his right ankle. "Lou?" I asked frantically moving to him "are you okay?"

"What do you think haz?" Louis snapped giving me a death glare but it only lasted a while when his and my attention went back to his sore ankle as I mumbled a quick 'sorry'

"Okay bud, we need to remove it?" I announced after much examining "this might hurt a tad" I warned as he nodded squeezing his eyes shut.

"OWWWWWW" Louis whined/screamed as I plucked it out. "Oh come on Lou" I cooed "don't be such a big baby it's only your foot" then he hit me in the groin making me double over in pain "oh come on haz" Louis reciprocated "it's only your groin" he smirked to which I scowled as I helped I got up helping him up as well.

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