Expect The Unexpected; Part 5

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12 mn The Bulk: Milan

: Abduction

Harry's POV

Cheeky Charmer. I'll live up to that.

"Um excuse me miss" I tapped the hard wooden desk as a girl popped out "Yes?"
"Could I have a shot of whiskey?" I asked leaning against the ledge as he shook her head 'no'

"Well why not?" I whined "it charges sir" she answered flipping her hair over one side
I then tucked a strand of her hair "how bout you get one for both of us?" I whispered softly looking straight into her eyes. And just like I expected she melted in my touch strutting away in her heels.

Charm. Sometimes it gets too easy. I know it's bad to play with other peoples feelings but. Were young and we all got a lifetime to make up so I'm like it's just one night.

Cause it really is right?

Once she came back I got the shot and downed it and immediately made my way back to the boys glad to say everyone was back there just chatting and playing around.

I was a little worried on where this party would take us but then it's all sorted out and no matter what way we end up well end up together.

"hey lads!" I greeted

"Sup haz"Louis


"Pussy!" Zayn I rolled my eyes that one

But then I was waiting for the fourth response but it never came

"Where's the Payne train?'" I asked them as the rest all shrugged then Niall went on panic mode

"What's wrong buddy?" Louis asked beside him patting his shoulder

"Shit.shit.shit" he muttered "guys Liam's in trouble!"

"Wait what do you mean 'he's in trouble' ?" I asked as he explained what he told Liam earlier and suddenly it all dawned on us that we were not safe here.

"What do you think we do?" Niall asked frantically brushing his hands over his hair

"We should go and look for him" Zayn suggested with a sly grin on his lips. Yeah, Niall's not kidding when he says it's not normal here cause that is definitely not normal at all

Louis chuckled nervously saying "Zayn hate to say this to you bud but we don't really respect your moral value right now cause quite honestly you look shit faced"

Me and Niall both nodded in agreement

"Well what do you expect us to do then?" He asked "sit and wait"

"That actually seems like a better idea" Niall trailed off before getting a smack from me "hey hey I'm just kidding sheesh"

"Let's go then" I announced standing up and the rest following my motions when suddenly the lights went out

"Oh holy crap" Niall cursed as I raised my eyebrow at him "it's not like Liam's here" he defended

⬅️ an arrow swept across the stage directing it to a narrow hallway.

"That's it!" Niall screamed "that's the way" then he followed the arrow leading down the hallway with us trailing behind.

"Hey haz!" Louis called behind me as I snapped my head back at him "hmm"

"Wanna make a bet if we'll survive this or not?"

"YOU wanna bet on our lives?" I asked giving him an incredulous look as he nodded

"I'm in" I said shaking his hand on it

"Okay I say we live" Louis offered "and you'll say..."

"We get injuries but we don't die" he thought about it for a while "close enough" he shrugged as we put our arms around eachother

"Let's do this!" We both exclaimed before we ran to the hallway.

Hey guys! Please leave a VOTE OR A COMMENT to know that y'all are still interested in me continuing this.
Oh and SPREAD THE WORD thank you!

Expect The Unexpected; A One Direction Spy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now