1 | soul survivor

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may 27th

- hi i can't even last a month without updating a fic on wattpad so here, welcome to my newest one. this is a ryden called ghost towns in the ocean and probably the best written thing i've ever created. i'm so very proud of it and i locked myself inside for an entire week last august just to write this thing because it excited me so much. it's fantastic i'm still so excited i love this thing. 

the chapter titles are named after the songs that i feel are the most beautiful in the world. this one's named after soul survivor by angels & airwaves. i have a spotify playlist with all of the songs the chapters are named after + more really pretty sad ones it's called josh ramsay by lilyfrombandomland (don't JUDGE me i was 12) but they are just really nice songs so i just even feel good by just looking at the titles they're all these really pretty clear songs all together and aaah i LOVE THIS FIC

every reason, every nighttime, and every day starts and ends in sunlight

Ryan was depressed. It was as simple as that, with nothing more to say for anyone could tell that he was depressed simply by spending a short amount of time with him, which was unlikely. Yet, Ryan hadn't spent any amount of time with anyone but his dog for three whole months. Days and nights had slipped together into one big mess of mental debris which mainly consisted of him staring at the ceiling and spending too many hours thinking about trying not to think about things like-


September had been amazing, September had been everything right in the world. September had been the start of fall, and the auburn leaves had just started to fall from the trees; the world had started to die yet Ryan had felt so alive. However, it had been on the last day of that most beautiful month when everything had come crashing down, where so many things had gone wrong, and Ryan had been left broken and crumpled, just like the dead leaves that everyone worked so hard to get rid of.

So September had blended into October, and October was still semi-functioning, well it had been until Gabe had gone and fucked things up, as Gabe tended to do. Gabe had never been the best of friends, but sometimes he did try, but then again sometimes trying just made things worse. Well, things had stopped seeming alright after Gabe did what he did, and then Ryan had thrown his laptop out the window and October had turned into November and Ryan lit everything on fire in November and November had turned into December and the "F" key on Ryan's typewriter had gotten stuck in December and that useless "F" key had defeated any purpose left of getting up in the mornings.

Except for Dottie.

Dottie had been ruining every day for him for the past three months, and Ryan was completely sure that he was not cut out to take care of a dog when he obviously was not in fit condition to take care of himself. Yesterday, he had considered throwing his typewriter out the window but that would be the thing to completely break down his life completely, and then thought against it. He would fill in every "F" himself if he had to. But he didn't know where any pens or pencils or markers or anything used for writing in his house had gone so he sat and hated himself for the computer issue and hated the typewriter for the broken "F" key but he wasn't feeling hatred, no, he was just numb. One day, he actually got up without Dottie throwing her little body on top of his face to get him to let her outside.

It was because Jon was calling.

It was January, and Jon had stopped calling far too long ago, so when he called that lonely, cold, January morning, Ryan was all too excited to pick up the phone. Jon hadn't provided any information that had excited Ryan, instead, Ryan was provided with some fairly terrible news. Before he could tell Jon exactly what he thought Jon could do with that idea, Jon hung up on Ryan. Which therefore infuriated him, but he wasn't going to give in and call Jon back.

Ghost Towns In The Ocean ☀︎ RydenWhere stories live. Discover now