17 | 'til kingdom come

548 32 34

september 24th

- hi what's up oh look it's the last chapter of this! so i've been writing this baby since august of 2016 and honestly i sort of fell out of being inspired to write it in these past few months but when i first started out writing it it was my pride and joy and the most well written thing i've ever created. still, i love it and still, i am really proud of it. thanks for reading this if you've made it this far.

this here song is 'til kingdom come by this brilliant band called coldplay. it's a very very nice song and, for the last time, i recommend it.

in your tears and in your blood, in your fire and in your flood. i heard you laugh, i heard you sing, i wouldn't change a single thing

"Yes." Brendon looked up. He was sat at the piano, a perfect silhouette that Ryan was undeniably attracted to and a little in love with and still confused over but being in love was so much better than being out of love and Brendon looked so damn tired and most, if not all of that, was Ryan's fault.

"Yes?" Brendon asked, the tired look melting away to something definitely more hopeful.

"Yes, I'll go on a date. With you." Brendon beamed, all of the angsty depressiveness gone in a moment, replaced by the bright Brendon that Ryan was used to.

"Fantastic. Brilliant. Thank you." Brendon had fully turned himself around on the piano bench and looked across the room at Ryan, who looked right back at him. There was a silence that neither of them filled up but Brendon was still smiling and he said- "I've never really read your writing."

"Unless you're snooping." Ryan rightfully pointed out and Brendon nodded, admittedly he was much more mature than Ryan in every sense of it, but let the remark slide.

"Can you write something on the spot?"

"'Course I can." Ryan said smugly. Brendon slid off the piano bench and towards his bedazzled trash bag. "What does that S stand for?" Ryan asked casually.

"Sarah." Brendon even hated saying her name- he hated every part of her. She was Brendon's William, dark haired and cold hearted and made him want to curl up into a tiny ball and then after a few hours of that she made him want to scream until he lost his voice and then she made him want to fall in love all over again.

Brendon produced his old finance notebook from the trash bag and handed it to Ryan with a pen that he snatched off of the piano that he used to write out his own sheet music. Ryan flopped down in the corner of Brendon's mattress with the notebook and pen held in his hands.

"Give me a minute." He said, and started writing. Brendon watched his hand slowly move down the page, eyes thinking and reading back on his words before writing more of them. Brendon's pen scratched amiably against the paper, and he stood in silence while Ryan wrote. After a while, Ryan looked up with sharp eyes. "You're putting me under immense pressure?"

"Huh?" Brendon asked.

"Standing over me like that." Brendon took a few steps back and watched Ryan from there. He shook his head with that same wild smile gracing his face before he bit the cap of the pen and kept writing. There was more of a while between that and the other while in which Brendon stared Ryan down, not in a threatening way and more of an in love way until Ryan turned the notebook around and showed a page filled up with his messy inked handwriting.

"Here." He tossed the book to Brendon, who fumbled before catching it. He started reading it without another word to Ryan.


Dark chocolate and vodka. Cold. Fall and winter. November. Snow on dirt with no grass in between. Worn out wedding bands. Frozen lakes and bare trees and grey skies and frostbite. Cold cold cold. The moon and stars glinting like chips of ice. Cars crushing leaves as they drive late late at night with no music playing. No radio. No heat.

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