3 | natures

567 30 59

june 11th

- HELLO sworn in is such a good band what the Fuck. if you don't mind really heavy music you should listen to them. i got to march in dc pride yesterday and it was so good i'm very happy rn so have more of my dumb story

this song is natures by being as an ocean and idk why it breaks my heart so much but it does and that's how it goes and it's really good so you might as well just go ahead and listen.

i have to break this cycle, for another heart, i refuse to be held liable

The doorbell was ringing and it was eight in the fucking morning.

Ryan was going to fucking kill Jon, if it was Jon, but there was really no one else it could be because Jon was the only person who would have the audacity of showing up at his house at eight in the morning and Dottie wouldn't stop barking and Ryan fell out of bed and hit his hip hard on the floor and that morning hadn't started well. Wondering how long his hip was going to hurt for, a worry that often plagued the minds of aging women, Ryan snatched another cigarette off of his wall, lighting up, and proceeded to wander downstairs.

Ryan had been chain smoking cigarettes that he swore he wouldn't smoke because they were protecting his room from a nonexistent threat mainly because he was hungry and wasn't in the mood to go out and buy himself some food. Having something in his mouth, whether it be a cigarette or a fingernail being bitten down to its respective finger, seemed to help with the hunger hanging over him, so he kept smoking and biting his fingernails. Leisurely making his way to the door while coming up with what he was going to say to Jon, Ryan patted Dottie's head with loving care, disregarding the fact that she didn't like the cigarette smoke that had become all too familiar in that house.

Ryan opened the door, starting off with-

"Jon, it's eight in the fucking morning and-" He cut off when he realized that Jon was actually not Jon and the guy standing at the door was definitely not Jon Walker. Ryan shut his mouth on his cigarette, bringing his fingers up to it and taking a long drag. He took a massive step back, sending Dottie scrambling around his feet.

"And you are....?" He asked, his hands already shaking because he didn't like talking to people who showed up at his house at eight in the morning without any notice. Lowering the cigarette in his trembling fingers to his side, Ryan stared at the guy standing in his doorway. "Either come inside or go, make up your mind." So the guy stepped inside, hesitant and obviously feeling unwelcome. It was snowing lightly, and Ryan stared outside for a moment before realizing that he could stare outside and he nearly yelled it though he shouldn't need to because it wasn't Jon who knew about all his little pet peeves, but the door was open and-

"Shut the door!" The guy closed the door right away, looking insulted and sort of terrified.

"I'm Brendon. I'm moving in...? You don't remember?" Ryan remembered, but just hadn't expected someone to show up that early in the morning, especially not someone who didn't know how to shut doors behind them. Or maybe especially people who wore shorts when it snowed and had pathetically large collections of friendship bracelets and chewed gum in an obnoxious way that was fun to imitate and had hair that was too short to rival a particularly big forehead.

"Yes, I remember." Ryan didn't say anything else following that, and brought the cigarette back to his lips, unknowingly having Brendon watch his every move.

"Fine, I'll talk." Ryan began, not knowing that they were debating who was going to speak first, although it had been sort of exchanged between them by the way they half raised their eyebrows at each other past curious stares. "I have rules." Brendon was trying to keep a casually interested look on his face, but hearing that the person he was going to live with had rules really wasn't what he was looking for.

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