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By the way the girl up top is you just minus the ears only if you want =)

"Mummy! Daddy! *sniff* come back!" the last thing you say as you collapse is 'please'
My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N) I am a shadow dragon slayer and I am an orphan. My parents left me when they were skipping towns they were wanted for theft and fraud, one night you awoke from a nightmare and went to your parents room and they were gone you ran down stairs where there was a cloud of black smoke on the roof, the fireplace had caught the carpet on fire, the curtains were alight and you where terrified you ran outside crying from the smoke and for the wellbeing of your parents you cried saying "Mummy! Daddy! *sniff* come back!" You collapse saying "please". A dragon names Acura took you into her care ever since, you didn't like talking about what happened with your parents but you always talked to Acura about it she was always so loving. She taught you all she knew about her shadow magic you also got books about it for advanced spells and forgotten spells after years of care on the x777 Acura disappeared she did tell you she would one day but it was to soon after she left you stopped, you stopped talking to everyone you shut them away you would only talk to your exceed Ōkami and other animals they could understand you and you understood them. A few years later at aged 16 you got your own house you worked jobs and quests but only S classed quests about two months after moving in and paying rent for the next few years you started high school you weren't excited only a little just about the classes not the people you hated most people that's one reason you don't talk.

Hope you enjoyed the first well chapter it was 326 words yay =3

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