Chapter Three-Part Four

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"Approach like Ghost, Strike like Thunder, Vanish like Smoke."

(Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command Motto)

Outside Seoul Station

   Three police vehicles arrived at the scene first. Upon arriving, they encountered a large group of people running away from the scene, fear highlighted on their faces. There was no doubt about it that something terrible had happened, and based on the thick smoke bellowing from the station, it must be catastrophic.

   The police officers knew from that point onwards everything will go downward spiral. Panic will disrupt everything in its path and as law enforcement officers, it was their duty to maintain order. However, the unclarified reports of gunfire kept them on their toes as they made their way into the unknown. It didn't take long for them to know that  though, as the clear sounds of gunshots rattled in the air, causing the officers to stop.

   "Command, this is Patrol. We have arrived at Seoul Station as instructed. Be advised, gunshots are real. I repeat, gunshots are real. Please send backup, over." A police officer radioed as they got off from their vehicles, sidearm in hand.

   "Affirmative, Patrol. CT read are on the way. Standby for back-"

   Bang! Bang!

   Two loud shots interrupted the communication and hit the windscreen of the leading police vehicle, forcing the officers to cover themselves behind it. More gunshots came soon after, all of them directed towards the three police vehicles. Cacophonic pandemonium erupted when the shots were heard, as screams and cries echoed among the masses of people running away from the terror they had been through. The officers responded by firing their sidearms, but having no idea how many they were, the officers were only firing blindly.

   "Command, this is Patrol! We are under fire! I say again, we are under fire! Unknown number of gunmen firing at us! Send backup, hurry!" The leading officer urged on the radio as they exchanged fire.

   "Sergeant!" An officer to his left called out. The said man turned to his colleague. "Over there at your three!" He pointed his finger to that direction. The sergeant immediately looked over to his direct right, and got a shock of his life.

   A young boy was standing right in the open, a few metres away from them and against the massive flow of terrified people. The boy in a blue shirt and white pants was approximately ten years old, and like the others, he was terrified by what was going on. Teary-eyed, he stood there in distraught, not knowing what to do.

   The sergeant attempted to go and grab that kid to safety, but before he could do that, a continuous shot of gunfire, probably from a machine gun, rattled into the air. His blood ran cold when he realised that those shots weren't meant for them, but it was directed towards the fleeing masses. The cries of pain and the screams of panic rose to a pinnacle point where it became unbearable to be heard by the officers. However, the officers  were still being shot at. Unable to move much and could only fire blindly, the officers watched in horror as one-by-one, like pieces of a chess game, those terrified souls were mowed down by the gunfire which was handled by merciless gun-totting maniacs.

   The kid, however, was spared, but it won't be for long. The boy must be rescued. If they can't save all, they might as well save what's in front of them. "Guys!' The sergeant called out, seeking their attention. "I'm going to grab that kid! I need you to cover me! Can you do that?!"

   "Yes, sir!" They exclaimed.

   "Right. On my count.."

   The rest of the officers readied themselves.

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