Chapter Eight-Part Three

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"The scenery with love is always beautiful, but just because love is beautiful, does not mean that it's always happy."

(Kim Yoon Hee-Im Yoon Na from the drama 'Love Rain')

(Kim Yoon Hee-Im Yoon Na from the drama 'Love Rain')

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The same night
   Si Jin's humvee returned in a haste after a few hours' briefing with the chain of command at the UNMIU Headquarters at the Uruk International Airport, swerving hard upon entering the compound of the camp before braking the vehicle hard with a screech to a direct stop. In one quick succession, he shut the engine off, got off the vehicle, and then made a dash towards the command tent. Ignoring salutes and greetings of the men around him, he flipped the covers roughly, only to be met with the serious faces of his fellow officers who were all gathered at the table.

   It appeared that a serious discussion was taking place, based on the looks of their faces. On the table, based on what Si Jin saw, was the map of the entire map of Uruk spread widely across the table.

   "What in the world is going on?" Si Jin walked towards them in a serious manner, the soldier in him fully mustered. Some time ago, or more accurately, half-an-hour before Si Jin returned to base, Si Jin received an urgent phonecall from Yeung Joon, who reported him about the shocking incident. Yeung Joon urged him to return quickly, in which Si Jin did.

   The men dispersed to the side as they let Si Jin through. "There's not just one, Soryeongnim. There are lots of reports too. One at the northeast, and the other at the west. Our observers report major clashes across the borderfront as we speak, sir." First Lieutenant Baek reported. "We've already reported to Headquarters about this, sir. They told us to stand down and await further instructions."

   Si Jin glanced at the map laid on the table with stern eyes. His eyes searched for the northeast direction of the map, and then to the west like what Lieutenant Baek had just said. Indeed, there were major movements at the fragile borderfront, with blue and red pins that signified the Uruk Republic army and the North Uruk army respectively, clustered at the said locations. From the number of red pins that outnumbered the blue pins by a big difference of five in total, Si Jin could summarise the event of the conflicts–twenty-three red pins, which might symbolise units in company levels, against eighteen blue pins. And from the locations of the conflict, it was rather obvious who started the whole thing first.

   The answer was downright clear and conclusive, but before Si Jin could even say a word, suddenly, a soldier ran in. "Soryeongnim! You need to see this!" The soldier, ranked Private, requested with a tone of urgency.

   Without hesitation, Si Jin and his fellow men followed the soldier towards an unlikely place Si Jin would ever go at this moment of crisis–the hospital.


Uruk Capital Hospital
   BBC Newscaster: ...At 2325 hours local Uruk time, the North Uruk army launched a series of cross-border assaults against the Uruk Republic. The strike, as of moment of reporting, appears to be a retaliation against the massive buildup of Uruk Republic forces along the border following the assassination of the Uruk President, and the battle is still ongoing. Sources from the Uruk Government reported that over twenty companies of the North Uruk army are currently attacking towns at the Northeast and the West......

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