Chapter Six-Part Three

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"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."

(George Washington)

(George Washington)

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   "Geurae..." She muttered in her exhale, knowing that she would never be able to find out about the truth of the so-called simple talk. "Then answer me this question. If you can explain this one....I will forget about the matter that happened today. Not only that, I will stay away from  all of your matters that are deemed classified. Sounds good enough?"

   Si Jin had just escaped one leap of death, but now he had already encountered another one. Her question was unpredictable this time as he knew that whatever she would be asking next would be something out of the context. Nevertheless, he nodded his head as he anticipated for the worst. "Ask me anything."

   Mo Yeon took a few steps closer towards Si Jin until their bodies nearly touched. Her eyes strictly focused on him, she took a deep breath as she took her moment. Finally, when she was ready, she let it out. "Yoo Si Jin-sshi......why are you here?"


   Si Jin had found himself fallen into a tricky situation. This was not how it was supposed to be. Things weren't supposed to be that way. He couldn't neither find the reason for his sudden presence in Uruk, nor can he ignore her question throughout. He was completely stuck.

   Lying wasn't his thing. It's not in his blood. He knew about the consequences of just one lie, and he couldn't bare to face it. His father had strictly taught him before that a man must never lie, no matter how terrible the situation was. However, the situation he was facing right now involved way too many to risk, and he seriously feared that her life would be in jeopardy if she knew.

   He had expected this kind of scenario to happen, but he did not expect that to be so soon. Nevertheless, he needed to answer that question, whether he liked it or not. "I'm here because.....I....need to keep you safe." He replied finally after a long thought.

   "Keep" Mo Yeon stared at him in disbelieve. "Safe from what?" Her voice lowered a bit as she dropped her arms.

   "From anything." He replied immediately. "Anything that will harm you."

   Mo Yeon, as usual, didn't buy that reason easily. For him to come all the way here with his fellow subordinate just because of this one simple reason of 'keeping her safe from anything' sounded absolutely absurb. Like Si Jin said, soldiers are civil servants too, and as civil servants, she knew that a simple reason like this would not be enough to be granted the permission. He appeared in Uruk after ten days, four days ahead of his original overseas plan in China. Not only that, he travelled halfway around the world. She knew that he was here for a specific reason, but she didn't know what it was.

   "You know very well that I don't buy to simple reasons." She muttered after a loud exhale. "If I were to give this reason to my boss, do you think that my boss will allow me to travel?"

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