Cupcake Time

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Ch. 4 Chloe's POV:

UGH! I HATE LIAM!  Ever since him and the guys moved in, all I've been doing was getting in trouble. This makes the guys, except Louis and especially Harry, think that Cayla is a little angel. She's not. At all. When we were six, she got mad that I got a pony for Christmas and was 'the favorite,' so she cut my hair while I was sleeping. I had barely any hair for 3 months. She made a mess ALL THE TIME and blamed it on me. I bet if the guys knew about this, they wouldn't think she was an angel for much longer...

"LOUISSSSSS!!!!" I screamed. For once this whole week, I didn't have to worry about getting caught while I was grounded because no one was home.


" COME HERE," wow this hurts my throat. I'll just text him.


He beat me to it

LOU: I cant, what if they catch me?

CHLOE: They wont . no1 is home. only us.

LOU: oh. well in that case.... meet me in the kitchen in 5.

CHLOE: yesss sir!

Five minutes passed and I was waiting on the bar stool in the kitchen when two sweaty hands covered my eyes. I did what was right, and screamed. Loud.

"Guess who?!," a voice said.

"Hmmm. I don't know.. Tony the Tiger , from the Frosted Flakes box?" I said.

"No, stupid. It's meee!" The hands lifted off my eyes. Oh. I really did think it was Tony too.

"Ok Louis. Why are we here ?"

"Well, Cupcake, I thought we should make some cupcakes to show Liam that you're sorry. But he wouldn't know I helped, of course. I'm brilliant, I know, hold the applause. In all seriousness though, we should," Wow. Louis? Being serious? Thats a first. I pondered on the idea...


We got all the ingredients and made sure we were safe with timing because if the guys came back and saw us together, our arses would be on the wall. The worst probably coming from, Liam..


There's Chapter 4!!

So please,





xoxo CaylaGabrielle

wattpad: HarrehZen5

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