Wake up

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ch.40 Cupcake's pov

I wake up in the morning feeling like pdidy A/N just kidding lol nah bro.

I woke up to a sleeping Louis. It's 1 in the afternoon. "Louuu get up" I whined. "No....I refuse to move...or get up....." "Louuuu" "If you don't get back in bed I'm gonna have to get out to get you" he threatened. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him closer to him. I wiggled around in his arms but he didn't budge.At all."Babe get uuuppp" I whined."Struggling is only gonna make it worse babe,just go back to sleep I know your tired" I'm actually pretty tired for some reason. "Fine" I layer back down and went to sleep feeling like a lazy ass hobo.

Giggles pov

Its 5 at night and I haven't seen Cupcake or Louis all day. Me and Harry are looking for them. "Babe I found them" "Where are they?" "Upstairs in their bed asleep" "Why are they still asleep,how are they still asleep" we went upstairs to find my sister and Louis asleep.I jumped on the bed. "Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up" I screamed causing Liam Niall and Zayn to run in. "What happened why ate you screaming" Liam asked. "How are they still asleep?" Zayn asked. "I....don't.......know" Harry replied. "Shhhhhh they're so peaceful when they're asleep" Niall said in awe. "Too bad" I said and jumped on the bed. "WAKE UP" I screamed. "Piss off" Chloe whined. Well someone is grumpy when they're waken up. "Chloe that wasn't nice" Liam stated."Crap I just remembered why I never woke up Chloe when we were younger......she has a short temper and one morning she cursed out our mum" I explained out of breath. "Guys Shut up and piss off" she whined again. "Strike two" I stated taking a step back. "Liam I would do anything" Harry said moving next to me. By the time Liam said something we were all in the hallway. "Chloe Louis you guys have to get up now!" he stated firmly. "Uh oh" Niall said once Chloe opened her eyes. "Liam we're trying to sleep so why don't you just fuck off!" she growled and threw a pillow at him.Liam didn't say anything he just walked over to us and stated. "Rule #1 no waking up Chloe when she's asleep, #2 Don't anger Chloe,Louis,Harry, or Zayn, #3 Don't do anything stupid" "We all nodded an walked back to our own bedrooms. Me and Harry had a movie night then went to bed.

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