Spasms and B-day discussions

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ch. 17 - Chloe's POV -

"Giggles! Family meeting! Come downstairs!" I screamed to my twin sister. She came jogging downstairs and plopped down next to Harry on the couch.

"Okay, guys. It has been brought to my attention that the girls here have reunited with two of their MALE friends from highschool, and have exchanged numbers. Did I mention that the friends were males?" He addressed to everyone.

"Liam, its not like I'm gonna date one of them, I have a boyfriend," Cayla explained to Liam. I saw Harry relax and become less tense.

"Exactly I already get on trouble by myself, and with Lou getting some random boys number would make it worse" I explained. I agreed.

"As long as we all understand each other. Now, on a brighter note, the girls' birthday is tomorrow. What do you guys want?" Liam changed the subject.

"Clothes and a pandora bracelet," I said.

"Just to spend time with you guys," Cayla smiled.


#17 !!!





xoxo CaylaGabrielle

wattpad: HarrehZen5

(A/N Some things were fixed or changed in the other chapters)

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